Anand Kumar Kanaujiya has been passionate about writing since childhood. While studying at BHU, the atmosphere there encouraged him to write. With the blessings of Lord Bhole and the blessings of Mother Ganga he started writing. The ghats of Varanasi have a big contribution in his life and he has passed through many ups and downs and saw various colors of life. The author often focuses closely on life, people from all over the world and the depth of many civilizations, religion, life and death and human relationships. He is a dreamer and he hopes to continue to share his work.Read More...


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Darpan is a collection of poetry and short stories that reflect the experiences of life at every stage. You will definitely be able to relate with the book because these experiences are general incidents that occur in the life of every human being.

The author has penned down his thoughts and emotions in simple words over the course of his life. The book also highlights the author’s dreams, some that transformed to golden memories and some that

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