Anandaraj Karunakaran

Anandaraj Karunakaran was born in 1951, joined the boys Navy in 1967 and took Military Training to serve the Nation. He is a veteran from Indian Navy, who has taken active part in Indo-Pak war in 1971 and received Medals towards his contribution. He has a service-minded attitude and his NGO is in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The author is best-selling non-fiction writer, and considers himself to be a friend and a guide, who writes with simple words to reach all readers with different capacity.Read More...


The World of Aam Aurat and Aam Aadmi

Books by Anandaraj Karunakaran

The World of Aam Aurat and Aam Aadmi is a collection of unique articles written by the author, Anandaraj Karunakaran. The book is rich in information that will capture the imagination on transparency and carry the readers towards the saturation point of subjectivity and the objectivity, in order to experience reality.

The reality of today’s society is reflected in the book at ‘Peace Manifesto’ on Love, Peace and Justice, which touched the

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The psychopathic behavior in a socioeconomic environme

By Anandaraj Karunakaran in General Literary | Reads: 311 | Likes: 0

23 February 2018 Brain Storm 97: The psychopathic behavior in a socioeconomic environment and the remedy: The Genetically caused socioeconomic injuries via psychopathic behavior: In 2012, Dr. Kent Kiehl, a psychologist at the University of Mexico and one of the foremost experts on psychopathic, disc  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 03:43 PM

The probability theory on Transparency, sovereignty amo

By Anandaraj Karunakaran in General Literary | Reads: 284 | Likes: 0

03 March 2020 Tit-Bits: 46 The probability theory on Transparency, sovereignty among theists/ atheists to reform and avoid hate speeches/ riots: Sovereignty is an issue based on transparency and faith is a value based on spirituality. The conflicts between faith and transparency among socio-politica  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 03:39 PM

The counter-narrative on acquiescence in silence & sect

By Anandaraj Karunakaran in General Literary | Reads: 292 | Likes: 0

13 March 2020 Tit-Bits: 48: 690 words Analysis The counter-narrative on acquiescence in silence & sectarian issues with the remedy: In fact, that the Aam Aadmi Party is in search of counter-narratives against sectarian issues and on silence in acquiescence and here is the remedy given therein. T  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 03:34 PM

The Catalysts

By Anandaraj Karunakaran in General Literary | Reads: 353 | Likes: 0

22 March 2020 Tit-Bits: 49 The Catalysts: 449 words analysis A gene may be literate or illiterate that the transparency in the gene is important and the loci in which it get accommodates & experiences without changing its transparent character is becoming a catalyst via the native uprising and b  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 03:26 PM

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