Apurv Medha Anant Sardeshmukh

Apurv Sardeshmukh is a lawyer based in Pune. An avid cricket fan, Apurv has over the years contributed write-ups and articles to various publications like cricking.com and cricinfo.com, etc. Apurv blogs regularly at www.apurvcricket.blogspot.com and at https://medium.com/@apoorv.sardeshmukh.Read More...


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Runs, Wickets and Videotape

Books by Apurv Medha Anant Sardeshmukh

The period between 1990 and 2000 remains the most defining period in the history of Indian cricket. It is a time period that shaped modern Indian cricket and has a lot to do with where and how Indian cricket stands today. The nineties is a decade of significance for Indian cricket. The nineties witnessed the changing face of Indian cricket and its stakeholders.  This book tries to capture the story of Indian cricket during the nineties. The story of how Moham

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