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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalDr. Arvind Yadav has achieved unparalleled success in his 25 years stretch with the media. He is known to have fought rigorously for social justice and freedom of the press and set about partaking in various social and political events. By dint of his hard work and sheer diligence, he has been delving into the lives of some of the greatest personalities from various fields all over India and citing their stories. He mostly takes to emanating his time and capturing the gripping accounts of people who are out of the limelight or have confronted vague responses from the media. Dr. Yadav has writtRead More...
Dr. Arvind Yadav has achieved unparalleled success in his 25 years stretch with the media. He is known to have fought rigorously for social justice and freedom of the press and set about partaking in various social and political events. By dint of his hard work and sheer diligence, he has been delving into the lives of some of the greatest personalities from various fields all over India and citing their stories. He mostly takes to emanating his time and capturing the gripping accounts of people who are out of the limelight or have confronted vague responses from the media.
Dr. Yadav has written 13 books and innumerable articles so far. He holds a double master’s degree and PhD in Modern Hindi Criticism to boot. He also has a PG diploma in Media Laws and Psychological Counselling. He has been actively involved in the elections across South India and bagged significant positions in leading organisations like IBN 7, AajTak/Headlines and many more. He exuded a significant contribution in establishing India’s first news channel, Sakshi TV.
Dr. Arvind Yadav believes that the youths are a boon to the nation. He strives to inspire them and ignite their young minds to surmount all the hurdles and get their act together to thrive the nation towards betterment. The rim of his craft in journalism engirds social activities, politicians, entrepreneurs, sportspersons and change-makers from any field who have been instrumental in bringing remarkable changes to society.
He is currently serving as an officer on special duty (Media) for the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
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The Compassionate Cardiologist: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Johann Christopher
In a world where medicine is often seen as a cold science, Dr. Johann Christopher has proven that the heart of healing lies not just in medical knowledge but in the compassion and humanity behind it. In The Compassionate Cardiologist, Dr. Johann takes us on a remarkable journey through his life—one defined by unyielding dedication, groundbreaking discoveries, and a profound
The Compassionate Cardiologist: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Johann Christopher
In a world where medicine is often seen as a cold science, Dr. Johann Christopher has proven that the heart of healing lies not just in medical knowledge but in the compassion and humanity behind it. In The Compassionate Cardiologist, Dr. Johann takes us on a remarkable journey through his life—one defined by unyielding dedication, groundbreaking discoveries, and a profound commitment to patient care. From the intense years of medical training to pioneering research that has reshaped the field of cardiology, Dr. Johann’s story is a testament to what can be achieved when science meets empathy.
This is not just a memoir. It is an inspiring roadmap for aspiring doctors, a beacon for anyone who has ever dreamed of changing lives through medicine. As you turn these pages, you will witness a career built not only on intellectual brilliance but on the unwvering belief that every medical breakthrough is a step toward improving the human experience.
Prepare to be moved. Prepare to be inspired. The Compassionate Cardiologist will ignite your passion for medicine and remind you that the true power of a doctor lies in their heart, not just their hands. Dr. Johann Christopher's legacy will change the way you think about healing—and the lives you hope to touch.
यह किताब एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की जीवनी है, जिसने मेहनत की, संघर्ष किया। अपने सीखे हुनर से लोगों की सेवा की। डॉक्टर और सर्जन के रूप में कई मरीज़ों का इलाज किया। कई लोगों को नया जीवन दिया।
यह किताब एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की जीवनी है, जिसने मेहनत की, संघर्ष किया। अपने सीखे हुनर से लोगों की सेवा की। डॉक्टर और सर्जन के रूप में कई मरीज़ों का इलाज किया। कई लोगों को नया जीवन दिया। कइयों की शारीरिक और मानसिक परेशानी दूर कर ज़िंदगी में नयी ख़ुशियाँ लायीं। कारोबार किया। कारोबारी दुनिया में धोका भी खाया, कई सबक़ सीखे। साथ ही ख़ूब धन-दौलत और शोहरत पायी।
डॉक्टर निम्मगड्डा उपेंद्रनाथ की कहानी कामयाबी की अनोखी कहानी है। इस कहानी से कई सारे सबक़ सीखने को मिलते हैं। ऐसे सबक़, जो कामयाबी की बुनियाद रखने में मददगार साबित हो सकते हैं।
उपेंद्रनाथ की ख़ूबी रही है कि जब वे कोई लक्ष्य तय कर लेते हैं, तब उस लक्ष्य को हासिल करने तक चैन की साँस नहीं लेते। लक्ष्य पाने के लिए वे अपना जीजान लगा देते हैं। लक्ष्य से ध्यान भटकने नहीं देते। लक्ष्य भी उनके बड़े होते हैं, लेकिन वे ऐसे लक्ष्य निर्धारित नहीं करते, जिन्हें वे हासिल नहीं कर सकते।
उनकी एक और बड़ी ख़ूबी यह है कि जब तक उन्हें इस बात का भरोसा नहीं हो जाता कि वे काम करने के काबिल हैं, तब तक वे उस काम में अपना हाथ नहीं डालते। सोच-समझ कर, सीख-परक कर, पूरी तरह तैयार होने के बाद ही वे काम को, ज़िम्मेदारी को, अपने हाथ लेते हैं।
फूलबासन की कहानी में ग़रीबी का दंश है। वंश को बढ़ाने के नाम पर बेटा और बेटी में किया जाने वाला भेदभाव है। इस कहानी में भूखे पेट की आग है। इस आग में भस्म होते अरमान हैं। पिसता और घिसता
फूलबासन की कहानी में ग़रीबी का दंश है। वंश को बढ़ाने के नाम पर बेटा और बेटी में किया जाने वाला भेदभाव है। इस कहानी में भूखे पेट की आग है। इस आग में भस्म होते अरमान हैं। पिसता और घिसता बचपन है। भूख मिटाने के लिए किया जाने वाला संघर्ष है। इस संघर्ष के दौरान अमीरों के हाथों ग़रीबों का शोषण है। ज़मींदारों और साहुकारओं का ज़ुल्म-ओ-सितम है। स्वार्थी लोगों की निर्दयता और क्रूरता है। अगड़ी जाति के लोगों का अहंकार और अक्खड़पन है। इस अहंकार में दम तोड़ती दिखाई देती मानवता है। सरकारी व्यवस्था में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार है। सरकारी कर्मचारियों और अधिकारियों की ग़रीबों के प्रति उदासीनता है। असामाजिक तत्वों की गुंडागर्दी है। हिंसा है, घरेलु हिंसा है। घर की चारदीवारी में थकती, हारती औरतों की ज़िंदगी है।
इन सबके साथ है, एक लड़ाई। लड़ाई भुखमरी के ख़िलाफ़, ग़रीबी के ख़िलाफ़, सामाजिक कुरीतियों के ख़िलाफ़, पुरुषों की महिला विरोधी मानसिकता के ख़िलाफ़। यह कहानी है साहस की, विद्रोह की, एक सामाजिक और आर्थिक क्रांति की, एक ग़रीब महिला के क्रांतिकारी बनने की। इस कहानी में चुनौतियों की भरमार है। अनेकानेक प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियाँ हैं। डराने वाले लोग हैं, डर है। डर के आगे जीत है। जीत भी कोई मामूली जीत नहीं, असाधारण जीत है। जीत है बुराई पर अच्छाई की, असत्य पर सत्य की, अन्याय पर न्याय की, ग़रीबी पर संघर्ष की। यह कहानी है एक अतिसाधारण महिला के क्रांतिकारी नायिका बनने की। ग़रीबी और शोषण का शिकार रही एक ग्रामीण महिला के शक्ति का प्रतीक बनने की। लाखों लोगों के जीवन में खुशियाँ और ख़ुशहाली लाने वाली एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्ता की।
Prof. CNR Rao is a living legend. Einstein paid a compliment to Mahatma Gandhi on his 70th birthday. He said, “Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”. On Prof. Rao’s birthday, I would repeat these words. Prof. Rao is not an individual, he is an institution, he is a phenomenon. I feel lucky that our generations could see him, touch him, feel him, experience him,
Prof. CNR Rao is a living legend. Einstein paid a compliment to Mahatma Gandhi on his 70th birthday. He said, “Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”. On Prof. Rao’s birthday, I would repeat these words. Prof. Rao is not an individual, he is an institution, he is a phenomenon. I feel lucky that our generations could see him, touch him, feel him, experience him, learn from him and get inspired by him.
I have watched Prof. Rao as a scientist, as a science leader, as a science institution builder and indeed as a leader of leaders of science. I have also watched him as a wonderful, warm-hearted human being with abundant empathy. I have seen his childlike enthusiasm. I have watched him as `courage personified’. What follows is more anecdotal but solely based on my personal viewpoint.
Professor Rao has had a tremendous influence on my life. He has been my guru, guide, friend and philosopher.
- 'Padma Vibhushan' Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar
ఒక వైద్యుడి జీవిత విశేషాలు కాదు, నూరేళ్ల తెలుగు చరిత్రకు ప్రతిబింబం డాక్టర్ శ్యామా ప్రసాద్ పిలిగం జీవిత చరిత్రగా వెలువడిన ఈ పుస్తకం దాదాపు నూరేళ్ల తెలుగు చరిత్రకు అద్దం
ఒక వైద్యుడి జీవిత విశేషాలు కాదు, నూరేళ్ల తెలుగు చరిత్రకు ప్రతిబింబం డాక్టర్ శ్యామా ప్రసాద్ పిలిగం జీవిత చరిత్రగా వెలువడిన ఈ పుస్తకం దాదాపు నూరేళ్ల తెలుగు చరిత్రకు అద్దంపడుతోంది. ఎన్టీఆర్ ఆరోగ్యశాస్త్రాల విశ్వవిద్యాలయం ఉపకులపతి శ్యామా ప్రసాద్, ఆయన తండ్రి డాక్టర్ పి.సుందరయ్యగారి జీవితవిశేషాలు మాత్రమే ఉంటాయనుకున్న గ్రంథంలో తెలుగునాట చెరగని ముద్రవేవసిన ఎన్నెన్నో రాజకీయ, సామాజిక, సాంస్కృతిక పరిణామాలను కళ్లకుకట్టారు రచయిత అరవింద్ యాదవ్. ఆధునిక ప్రపంచాన్ని కుదిపేసిన రెండు ప్రపంచ యుద్ధాల మధ్యకాలంలో పుట్టారు డాక్టర్ సుందరయ్య. డాక్టర్గా కొన్ని వేల మందికే తెలిసిన ఆయన రాజకీయ విశ్వాసాలు, ఆచరణ వంటి విశేషాలతోపాటు నెల్లూరు జిల్లా నుంచి నాటి మద్రాసు మహానగరానికి, అక్కడి నుంచి వృత్తిలో భాగంగా ఉత్తరాంధ్ర నగరం విశాఖపట్నం వరకూ సాగిన ఆయన ప్రయాణం పాఠకులకు సమకాలీన విషయాల అవగాహనకు ఉపకరిస్తుంది.
The stories of doctors giving new lives to patients suffering from diseases happen to be quite interesting. There can emerge interesting and vivacious shades of colours in times of lull in the medical journey or throughout the course of this journey. This book is an attempt for readers to experience these beautiful shades of colours. This book tells the story of three doctors, each having their own stories. But many similarities can be drawn from the three sto
The stories of doctors giving new lives to patients suffering from diseases happen to be quite interesting. There can emerge interesting and vivacious shades of colours in times of lull in the medical journey or throughout the course of this journey. This book is an attempt for readers to experience these beautiful shades of colours. This book tells the story of three doctors, each having their own stories. But many similarities can be drawn from the three stories. The light is thrown on middle-class family struggles and the efforts spewed by parents to make their children live a life much bigger than themselves and to carry forward their unfulfilled dreams. There is sheer dedication to fulfil one’s dreams and calling for moments of renunciation.There is happiness derived from the joy of fulfilling one’s parents’ longing wishes. The duty to treat patients is spanned. To instil demoralized people the lost will to live and the confidence to thrive brings a unique feeling of merriment. Its the moments of struggles and hardships that emerge as the mantra to ignite the courage to face the ordeals.
The book contains the stories of Muralidhar Reddy, the doctor of the brain, Bharath Reddy, the
doctor of the heart and Prasad, the doctor of the kidneys. The reason for writing the stories of
these three is special-all of us are good friends. The friendship is indeed professional and displays
the classic relationship between a doctor and a journalist.
వ్యాధులతో బాధపడుతున్న రోగులకు కొత్త జీవితాలను అందించిన వైద్యుల కథనాలు చాలా ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉంటాయి. వైద్య ప్రయాణంలో కొన్నిసార్లు లేదా ఆ ప్రయాణం ఆసాంతం ఎన్నో ఆసక్తికరమైన, ఉత్స
వ్యాధులతో బాధపడుతున్న రోగులకు కొత్త జీవితాలను అందించిన వైద్యుల కథనాలు చాలా ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉంటాయి. వైద్య ప్రయాణంలో కొన్నిసార్లు లేదా ఆ ప్రయాణం ఆసాంతం ఎన్నో ఆసక్తికరమైన, ఉత్సాహభరితమైన ఛాయలు కనిపిస్తాయి. ఆ అందమైన రంగుల ఛాయలను పాఠకులు అనుభవించేలా చేసేందుకు ప్రయత్నమే ఈ పుస్తకం. ఈ పుస్తకం ముగ్గురు వైద్యుల కథను చెబుతుంది. ఇందులో ఒక్కొక్కరిది. ఒక్కో కథ. కానీ మూడు కథల మధ్య కొన్ని సారూప్యతలు ఉంటాయి. ఓవైపు సారూప్యతలు ఉన్నా కూడా వీరి జీవిత కథల మధ్య వైరుధ్యం కూడా ఉంది. వీరి వెలుగుల వెనక మధ్యతరగతి కుటుంబంలో ఉండే పోరాటాలు, వారి పిల్లలు తమ కంటే చాలా పెద్ద జీవితాన్ని గడపడానికి, వారి నెరవేరని కలలను ముందుకు తీసుకెళ్లడానికి తల్లిదండ్రులు పడే కష్టాలు కనిపిస్తాయి. ఈ కథలలో తమ కలలను నెరవేర్చుకోడానికి చూపిన అంకిత భావం, దాని కోసం చేసిన త్యాగాలు ఉంటాయి. అయితే వీటన్నింటి మధ్య కామన్ గా కనిపించే అంశం ఒకటుంది. దాని పేరే గెలుపు. అవరోధాలన్నింటినీ అధిగమిస్తూ సాగిన వీరి విజయ ప్రస్థానంలో.. ఎన్నో కష్టాలు, అడ్డంకులు ఉన్నాయి. ఒక్కొక్కరి విజయగాధలో తల్లిదండ్రుల కోరికలను నెరవేర్చిన ఆనందం కనిపిస్తుంది. అంతకు మించిన ఎన్నో ఉత్తేజకరమైన, ఉల్లాసభరితమైన సందర్బాలూ ఉన్నాయి. వీళ్లందరి ప్రథమ కర్తవ్యం రోగులకు చికిత్స చేయడమే. రోగికి పునర్జన్మ ఇవ్వడం, అన్ని ఆరోగ్య సమస్యల నుంచి రోగికి విముక్తి కల్పించడమే వీరి లక్ష్యం. పూర్తి నిరాశ, నిస్పృహలతో నిండిన రోగికి జీవితంపై ఆశ చిగురించేలా చేయడం. ఇలాంటి లక్ష్యాలు, కర్తవ్యాలను నెరవేర్చుకోవడంలోనే వీళ్లంతా ఆనందాన్ని వెతుక్కున్నారు. ఈ ముగ్గురిలో ప్రతి ఒక్కరికి విజయగాధలు ఉన్నాయి. చేసిన పోరాటాలు, పడిన కష్టాలే జీవితంలో అగ్నిపరీక్షలను ఎదుర్కొనే ధైర్యాన్ని ఇచ్చాయి.
‘A Master Surgeon in love with Humanity’ delineates the story of renowned surgeon Dr. Shyama Prasad. An avid reader since childhood, Shyama Prasad was the brightest among all his siblings. Driven with mounds of inquisitiveness, he was inclined to heuristic approaches and was always passionate for pressing himself with empirical practices to grasp the concepts better. He was infused with the knack of performing surgeries right from his days as a student. Th
‘A Master Surgeon in love with Humanity’ delineates the story of renowned surgeon Dr. Shyama Prasad. An avid reader since childhood, Shyama Prasad was the brightest among all his siblings. Driven with mounds of inquisitiveness, he was inclined to heuristic approaches and was always passionate for pressing himself with empirical practices to grasp the concepts better. He was infused with the knack of performing surgeries right from his days as a student. There were moments when he was at his wits’ end. Nevertheless, his diligent pursuit of excellence in his field aided to his metier. The book beautifully melds historical accounts with the story of the doctor and provides the readers insights to some major events that betided earlier. Furthermore, the book recounts the story of Shyama Prasad’s father, Dr. Sundaraiah and allows readers to delve in. A depiction of Sundaraiah’s fair share of struggle inscribed in the book suffices to establish that it is the story of a father and son who moved mountains to attain the fount of unparalleled success.
‘A Master Surgeon in love with Humanity’ delineates the story of renowned surgeon Dr. Shyama Prasad. An avid reader since childhood, Shyama Prasad was the brightest among all his siblings. Driven with mounds of inquisitiveness, he was inclined to heuristic approaches and was always passionate for pressing himself with empirical practices to grasp the concepts better. He was infused with the knack of performing surgeries right from his days as a stu
‘A Master Surgeon in love with Humanity’ delineates the story of renowned surgeon Dr. Shyama Prasad. An avid reader since childhood, Shyama Prasad was the brightest among all his siblings. Driven with mounds of inquisitiveness, he was inclined to heuristic approaches and was always passionate for pressing himself with empirical practices to grasp the concepts better. He was infused with the knack of performing surgeries right from his days as a student. There were moments when he was at his wits’ end. Nevertheless, his diligent pursuit of excellence in his field aided to his metier. The book beautifully melds historical accounts with the story of the doctor and provides the readers insights to some major events that betided earlier. Furthermore, the book recounts the story of Shyama Prasad’s father, Dr. Sundaraiah and allows readers to delve in. A depiction of Sundaraiah’s fair share of struggle inscribed in the book suffices to establish that it is the story of a father and son who moved mountains to attain the fount of unparalleled success.
The stories of doctors giving new lives to patients suffering from diseases happen to be quite interesting. There can emerge interesting and vivacious shades of colours in times of lull in the medical journey or throughout the course of this journey. This book is an attempt for readers to experience these beautiful shades of colours. This book tells the story of three doctors, each having their own stories. But many similarities can be drawn from the three sto
The stories of doctors giving new lives to patients suffering from diseases happen to be quite interesting. There can emerge interesting and vivacious shades of colours in times of lull in the medical journey or throughout the course of this journey. This book is an attempt for readers to experience these beautiful shades of colours. This book tells the story of three doctors, each having their own stories. But many similarities can be drawn from the three stories. The light is thrown on middle-class family struggles and the efforts spewed by parents to make their children live a life much bigger than themselves and to carry forward their unfulfilled dreams. There is sheer dedication to fulfil one’s dreams and calling for moments of renunciation.There is happiness derived from the joy of fulfilling one’s parents’ longing wishes. The duty to treat patients is spanned. To instil demoralized people the lost will to live and the confidence to thrive brings a unique feeling of merriment. Its the moments of struggles and hardships that emerge as the mantra to ignite the courage to face the ordeals.
The book contains the stories of Muralidhar Reddy, the doctor of the brain, Bharata Reddy, the
doctor of the heart and Prasad, the doctor of the kidneys. The reason for writing the stories of
these three is special-all of us are good friends. The friendship is indeed professional and displays
the classic relationship between a doctor and a journalist.
'The Healer of Wounds' is the story of Dr. Nimmagadda Upendranath, who was determined to succeed and never gave up. He employed the skills he had learnt, to serve the people. He treated countless patients as a doctor and a surgeon, giving many of them a second chance at life. They were bestowed with newfound happiness, upon being cured of their physical and mental ailments. He was also an entrepreneur and went through all the trials and tribulations of the fie
'The Healer of Wounds' is the story of Dr. Nimmagadda Upendranath, who was determined to succeed and never gave up. He employed the skills he had learnt, to serve the people. He treated countless patients as a doctor and a surgeon, giving many of them a second chance at life. They were bestowed with newfound happiness, upon being cured of their physical and mental ailments. He was also an entrepreneur and went through all the trials and tribulations of the field. He learnt many lessons of entrepreneurship; some of them were learnt the hard way. He had his fair share of downfall, but also earned wealth and fame through his relentless pursuits. The story of Dr. Nimmagadda Upendranath is one of unparalleled success. There is much to be learnt from the course of his life. One such lesson is, in fact, at the very heart of the path to success.
अरविंद ने जिस दिन से पत्रकार की कलम पकड़ी है, तब से मैं उनकी हर कामयाबी का साक्षी रहा हूँ। जब वे ‘हिंदी मिलाप’ से जुड़े, मैं वहाँ संपादक था। हिंदी भाषा पर अच्छी पकड़ की वजह से अरविं
अरविंद ने जिस दिन से पत्रकार की कलम पकड़ी है, तब से मैं उनकी हर कामयाबी का साक्षी रहा हूँ। जब वे ‘हिंदी मिलाप’ से जुड़े, मैं वहाँ संपादक था। हिंदी भाषा पर अच्छी पकड़ की वजह से अरविंद के सामने कभी कोई दिक़्क़त नहीं आयी। अरविंद तरक़्क़ी करते ही गये। अरविंद की कई ख़ूबियाँ हैं। वे अध्ययनशील हैं। उनका मन जिज्ञासु है। एक अच्छे शोधार्थी के सारे गुण उनमें मौजूद हैं। वे प्रयोगधर्मी हैं और नित-नये प्रयोग करने से डरते नहीं हैं। छोटी-उम्र में ही अरविंद ने दक्षिण-भारत के सभी राज्यों की कला-संस्कृति, इतिहास, राजनीति आदि के बारे में जानकारियाँ जुटा लीं। यही जानकारियाँ उनके लिए एक पत्रकार के रूप में काफ़ी लाभप्रद साबित हुईं।
‘दो स्तंभ’ नाम से यह जो पुस्तक प्रकाशित हो रही है, इसमें अरविंद के लिखे कुछ लेख हैं। दो अलग-अलग स्तंभों में प्रकाशित ये लेख अरविंद ने उस समय लिखे थे, जब वे संपादन-कला सीख रहे थे। अरविंद हमेशा पत्रकारिता में अपने काम को उन्नति की ओर ले गये हैं। इन लेखों के ज़रिये सार्थक प्रयोग अरविंद ने किये हैं। अरविंद का हर काम लोक-कल्याण के लिए ही रहा है। पत्रकारिता के सिद्धांतों से उन्होंने कभी समझौता नहीं किया। सत्य को ही हमेशा अपने काम का आधार बनाया और इसी वजह से उन्हें हमेशा सफलता मिली।
सदाशिव शर्मा
वरिष्ठ पत्रकार, संपादक
Biography of Sardar Jodh Singh
Sardar Jodh Singh - A Life of Courage and Fortitude
Sardar Jodh Singh’s inspirational story is filled with unexpected highs and lows. His larger-than-life quest for success makes him a role model for every middle-class citizen. Armed with nothing but grit and determination, the man managed to fight against adversity and emerge as a winner repeatedly. Throughout his journey, th
Biography of Sardar Jodh Singh
Sardar Jodh Singh - A Life of Courage and Fortitude
Sardar Jodh Singh’s inspirational story is filled with unexpected highs and lows. His larger-than-life quest for success makes him a role model for every middle-class citizen. Armed with nothing but grit and determination, the man managed to fight against adversity and emerge as a winner repeatedly. Throughout his journey, the only constant was his love, affection and devotion with regard to his family.
Having lost his mother at a young age, Sardar Jodh Singh was no stranger to sorrow and hardship. He put his nose to the grindstone very early in life, understanding that the whims and vagaries of fate spare no one. Despite his fortitude, fate was unkind to him repeatedly. The family lost everything due to the blood-soaked event of the Partition. They were uprooted from their ancestral lands and lost contact with the men and women they had grown up around and spent years with. The brutal consequences of the geographical bifurcation of the country had wide-ranging effects on the lives of ordinary people like Jodh Singh.
Not one to be deterred so easily, Jodh started life from scratch in newly-formed India. He slowly put together everything that his family needed- a roof over their heads, a source of income and social capital. He began the business of cattle trade and dairy products with just one coincidental deal but expanded until he had a monopoly in the field. He earned fame and trust as a businessman, all through his ethical practices and hard work. Later, he mastered many other fields such as transportation, the fodder business and even education. In his last few years, his philanthropic work led to his name becoming synonymous with benevolence and righteousness.
प्रोफ़ेसर सीएनआर राव लिविंग लेजन्ड हैं। आइंस्टीन ने महात्मा गांधी के 70वें जन्मदिन पर कहा था, “आने वाली पीढ़ियों को यक़ीन ही नहीं होगा कि हाड़-माँस का यह व्यक्ति कभी पृथ्वी पर च
प्रोफ़ेसर सीएनआर राव लिविंग लेजन्ड हैं। आइंस्टीन ने महात्मा गांधी के 70वें जन्मदिन पर कहा था, “आने वाली पीढ़ियों को यक़ीन ही नहीं होगा कि हाड़-माँस का यह व्यक्ति कभी पृथ्वी पर चला भी होगा।” ये शब्द महात्मा के सम्मान में कहे गये थे। प्रोफ़ेसर सीएनआर राव के 85वें जन्मदिवस पर मैं इन्हीं शब्दों को दोहराना चाहता हूँ।
प्रोफ़ेसर राव एक व्यक्ति नहीं, बल्कि एक संस्थान हैं। वे अनोखे, अद्वितीय और अद्भुत हैं। मैं ख़ुशनसीब हूँ कि हमारी पीढ़ी ने उन्हें देखा है, स्पर्श किया है, महसूस किया है, अनुभव किया है, उनसे सीखा है और प्रेरणा ली है।
मैंने प्रोफ़ेसर सीएनआर राव को एक वैज्ञानिक की तरह, वैज्ञानिकों का नेतृत्व करने वाले एक नायक की तरह, नायकों के नायक की तरह, विज्ञान के लिए नये संस्थान बनाने वाले महाव्यक्ति के तौर पर देखा है। मैंने हमेशा उनमें एक ऐसा दुर्लभ शख़्स पाया है, जो सबसे एक जैसी गर्मजोशी से मिलता है और जिनमें दूसरों के लिए भरपूर हमदर्दी है। उनके भीतर मौजूद बच्चों जैसे उत्साह और जोश को भी मैंने देखा है। मैंने उनके अंदर एक अद्भुत साहसी व्यक्तित्व भी देखा है।
- ‘पद्मविभूषण’ रघुनाथ अनंत माशेलकर
विश्वविख्यात वैज्ञानिक
सरदार जोध सिंह की कहानी असाधारण कहानी है, उनकी कहानी कामियाबी की गजब की कहानी है। उनकी कहानी में विभाजन की त्रासदी है, विस्थापित का दर्द है, शरणार्थी की पीड़ा है, अचानक रातोंरात सब
सरदार जोध सिंह की कहानी असाधारण कहानी है, उनकी कहानी कामियाबी की गजब की कहानी है। उनकी कहानी में विभाजन की त्रासदी है, विस्थापित का दर्द है, शरणार्थी की पीड़ा है, अचानक रातोंरात सब कुछ खोने का दुःख है, फिर से सब कुछ पाने की कोशिश में किया हुआ संघर्ष है, संघर्ष से सफलता है, सफलता भी कोई मामूली सफलता नहीं, ऐतिहासिक सफलता है। इस बात में दो राय नहीं कि सरदार जोध सिंह की कहानी हर पीढ़ी के लोगों को प्रेरणा देने का दमखम रखती है। उनकी व्यक्तित्वा के एक नहीं बल्कि कई पहलू बेहद दिलचस्प हैं। उन्हें पढ़ाई-लिखाई नहीं आती थी, लेकिन कारोबारी हिसाब-किताब के महारथी थे। कभी स्कूल नहीं गए, लेकिन कई सारी शिक्षा संस्थाओं को बनाने में अहम भूमिका निभाई। सिख सरदार थे, पंजाबी थे, लेकिन बंगाल में अपना आशियाना और कारोबार जमाया। आजादी के समय भारत के विभाजन ही नहीं बल्कि इंदिरा गाँधी की हत्या के बाद भड़के दंगों को देखा, सहा। वे कारोबारी तो थे ही, लेकिन उससे बड़े एक समाज-सेवी और परोपकारी इंसान भी थे। उनके घर जो भी आया वह खाली हाथ कभी नहीं गया। सरदार जोध सिंह के घर से निराश होकर कोई नहीं लौटा।
महान सेनानियों – नारायण राव पवार, कोंडा लक्ष्मण बापूजी, कोदाटि नारायण राव, कंदि श्रीनिवास राव, पंडित कालीचरण, वंदेमातरम श्रीनिवास राव और विमला बाई मेलकोटे ने अरविन्द यादव से ब
महान सेनानियों – नारायण राव पवार, कोंडा लक्ष्मण बापूजी, कोदाटि नारायण राव, कंदि श्रीनिवास राव, पंडित कालीचरण, वंदेमातरम श्रीनिवास राव और विमला बाई मेलकोटे ने अरविन्द यादव से बातचीत के दौरान हैदराबाद मुक्ति आंदोलन के दौरान अपने आंदोलनकारी जीवन के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दिनों की यादें ताज़ा की हैं। निज़ाम के हाथों शोषण, रज़ाकारों की यातनाओं के बारे में भी बताया है। ये सातों सेनानी अब इस दुनिया में नहीं हैं। इनकी शौर्य-गाथा इतिहास की कुछ क़िताबों में दर्ज है। अरविन्द ने इस पुस्तक के माध्यम से एक बार फिर इतिहास को पन्नों को खोला और देश के कुछ महान सपूतों से मौजूदा पीढ़ी का साक्षात्कार करवाया है।
सात महान सेनानियों से अरविन्द यादव के साक्षात्कार सीमाबद्ध हैं और इनके ज़रिये अरविन्द यादव ने अपने पत्रकार दायित्व और सामाजिक दायित्व को बहुत ही अच्छे तरीक़े से निभाया है। इतिहास की दृष्टि से भी इन साक्षात्कारों का काफ़ी महत्व है।
प्रसिद्ध लेखक, कवि
बहुभाषाविद्, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता
आजकल, प्रश्न यह भी पूछा जा रहा है कि, आखिर क्यों कवि सम्मेलनों का स्तर पहले जैसा नहीं रहा? कुछ हद तक यह बात सही भी है कि स्तर पहले जैसा नहीं रहा। इसके कई कारण हैं। आजकल कवि सम्मेलनों
आजकल, प्रश्न यह भी पूछा जा रहा है कि, आखिर क्यों कवि सम्मेलनों का स्तर पहले जैसा नहीं रहा? कुछ हद तक यह बात सही भी है कि स्तर पहले जैसा नहीं रहा। इसके कई कारण हैं। आजकल कवि सम्मेलनों में चुटकुले ज्यादा सुने-सुनाये जा रहे हैं। पर कवि करे भी तो क्या करे? साहित्यिक रचनाएँ कोई सुनना नहीं चाहता। अच्छी रचनाएँ मंच पर पिट जाती हैं। मजबूर होकर कवि को श्रोताओं की पसंद को ध्यान में रखकर, बिना मन के फूहड़ रचनाएँ सुनानी पड़ती हैं। दोष श्रोताओं का भी है।
काव्यकला, साहित्य, हास्य का पतन हो गया।
चुटकुलों का अब मंचों पर चलन हो गया।।
अरविंद यादव अपने कलमकार होने का धर्म बखूबी निभा रहे हैं। वे उम्दा और उच्च कोटि के पत्रकार हैं। कई दिग्गजों कवियों की विधाओं तथा उनके विचारों से पाठकों को परिचित कराने का उनका प्रयास सराहनीय है। उनके इस कार्य के लिए मैं उन्हें हार्दिक बधाई तथा भविष्य के लिए हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ देता हूँ।
जीवन में सुख-दुख का अनुपात नहीं होता,
मृत्यु पर्यंत कोई आजाद नहीं होता।
तर्कों से तुम चाहो दिखला दो विद्वत्ता,
भावों का शब्दों में अनुवाद नहीं होता।।
सुप्रसिद्ध कवि, लेखक, चित्रकार व शिक्षक
इस फास्ट फॉरवर्ड समय में अरविंद की इस किताब से गुज़रना आपको एक तरह के थिर और चैनदारी से भर देता है। संगीत के गुणवंत और नामदार लोगों के बीच लगभग एक बच्चे के कौतुक से वे बातचीत कर पात
इस फास्ट फॉरवर्ड समय में अरविंद की इस किताब से गुज़रना आपको एक तरह के थिर और चैनदारी से भर देता है। संगीत के गुणवंत और नामदार लोगों के बीच लगभग एक बच्चे के कौतुक से वे बातचीत कर पाते हैं पर बिना फोक़स खोये और आतुरता दिखाए। ये तसल्ली से किये गये संवाद हैं और बहुत जतन से शब्दचित्रों में संजोये गये, प्रसंग और संदर्भ के साथ। अरविंद की ये किताब एक खिड़की खोलती है, उन आवाज़ों के पीछे जो मनुष्य हैं, जो जिंदगियाँ हैं और उनके अपने सफरनामे हैं। एक लंबे सत्र के बाद आधी रात को पंडित जसराज से संगीत चिकित्सा के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करना या एक सूखी हुई झील में एक महापंडित द्वारा राग वरुण प्रिया के जरिये बादलों को बुलाना और बारिश में भीग जाना।
हैदराबाद में रहकर हिंदी अख़बार ‘मिलाप’ के लिए काम करने के दौरान अरविंद जिनसे साक्षात्कार करते हैं, उनमें हिंदुस्तानी शास्त्रीय और उत्तर भारतीय ही नहीं, बल्कि कर्नाटक और दक्षिण के गायक, वादक भी शामिल हैं। अरविंद के बहुभाषी होने का ये लाभ है कि वह भाषा, संस्कृति और संगीत की विविधता के बारे में सहज सजगता के साथ बातचीत कर पाते हैं। हर बड़े इंटरव्यू के पहले एक लम्बी प्रस्तावना लिखकर पहले पूरा संदर्भ स्पष्ट होता है। किताब में तमाम ऐसे भी इंटरव्यू हैं, जब सेलिब्रिटीज के निजी पीआर विषय, समय और हाईलाइट्स के लिए आग्रही कम थे। कुछ- कुछ थोड़ा जल्दी में लिए गये साक्षात्कार भी हैं, और कुछ पश्चिमी तौरतरीकों से प्रभावित गायकों से बातचीत भी है। इस किताब का हासिल हैं, मंगेशकर बहनों, पंडित जसराज, पंडित हरिप्रसाद चौरसिया, कविता कृष्णमूर्ति से बातचीत। ये किताब न सिर्फ संगीत प्रेमियों के लिए एक खज़ाना है, बल्कि पत्रकारों के लिए भी एक अच्छी किताब है। ये जानने, समझने, गुनने के लिए कि फीचर्स और इंटरव्यू इतने प्यार और किस्सागोई की तर्ज पर लिखे जा सकते हैं।
निधीश त्यागी
अरविन्द यादव ने परिश्रमपूर्वक तथ्यों का संकलन और विश्लेषण किया है। शोध-प्रबंध विषय-वस्तु, भाषा-शैली और प्रस्तुतीकरण की दृष्टि से स्तरीय है। शोधार्थी ने शोध-प्रबंध में हिन्दी आ
अरविन्द यादव ने परिश्रमपूर्वक तथ्यों का संकलन और विश्लेषण किया है। शोध-प्रबंध विषय-वस्तु, भाषा-शैली और प्रस्तुतीकरण की दृष्टि से स्तरीय है। शोधार्थी ने शोध-प्रबंध में हिन्दी आलोचना के विकास-क्रम को विवेचित किया है। प्रत्येक युग – भारतेन्दु-युग, द्विवेदी-युग, छायावाद, प्रगतिवाद आदि में हिन्दी आलोचना की प्रवित्तियों को लक्षित करते हुए तुलनात्मक विवेचना भी की है। आलोचना की विभिन्न पद्धतियों का भी सम्यक् विश्लेषण किया गया है।
डॉ. हरिशंकर मिश्र
हिन्दी और आधुनिक भारतीय भाषा विभाग
लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय , लखनऊ, उत्तरप्रदेश
20 मई, 2010
आलोचना जैसे गंभीर विषय पर गंभीरतापूर्वक किया गया यह एक सार्थक शोध-कार्य है।
डॉ. माधव सोनटक्के
प्रोफेसर एवं अध्यक्ष, हिन्दी विभाग
डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर मराठवाड़ा विश्वविद्यालय, औरंगाबाद, महाराष्ट्र
5 मई, 2010
Arvind Yadav has met up with some of the top doctors in India and has written a wonderful tome about these extraordinary people and how they handled hundreds of patients year after year. Arvind found how less health literacy was associated with worse quality of life, worse physical function and more emergency department utilization for heart patients. And how these legendary surgeons worked to make the impossible possible. Top doctors interviewed in the book h
Arvind Yadav has met up with some of the top doctors in India and has written a wonderful tome about these extraordinary people and how they handled hundreds of patients year after year. Arvind found how less health literacy was associated with worse quality of life, worse physical function and more emergency department utilization for heart patients. And how these legendary surgeons worked to make the impossible possible. Top doctors interviewed in the book have opened up, and patients are now understanding and remembering encounters in the operation theatres. This is a fascinating read between the white-coated physician and the paper-wrapped patient. Arvind says why it is important for patients – even those who are fully clothed – to ask questions, and doctors to answer.
Shantanu Guha Ray
Wharton-trained, award winning journalist
In Service of Mankind is a collection of eleven engrossing biographical stories of social activists who have immensely contributed to the development of our society and the nation. These stories highlight the efforts of the people who dared to go against the tide and became agents of change. They will inspire and motivate the readers to believe in positive initiatives and the indomitable human spirit.
The author has chosen these people from variou
In Service of Mankind is a collection of eleven engrossing biographical stories of social activists who have immensely contributed to the development of our society and the nation. These stories highlight the efforts of the people who dared to go against the tide and became agents of change. They will inspire and motivate the readers to believe in positive initiatives and the indomitable human spirit.
The author has chosen these people from various fields and parts of the country, ranging from healthcare, environment, social justice, LGBT rights, human rights, and cybersecurity. His narrative style combines literary passion and journalistic objectivity that gives these stories a unique flavour. These stories are special because they do not merely list the achievements or the chronology of significant events in the lives of the people they highlight. They give the readers an insight into the thought process and the inner conflicts of these people, helping them decode the social fabric and the mindset of our contemporary society. They highlight the struggles, aspirations, sacrifices and perseverance of these social activists. The impact of their work is indelible and indisputable.
This book, with its detailed documentation of the lives of these social activists who have an immense contribution in shaping the future of the country, will definitely be an invaluable historical document, a collector’s delight.
'Kala Sach' is a collection of literary short stories written by Dr. Arvind Yadav.
Dr. Yadav is a prolific writer and has written many literary stories. These stories have been published in various newspapers and magazines. For the first time his stories are coming in form of a book.
Dr. Yadav has been a Journalist since 22 years now. He has worked with Media Organizations like Hindi Milap, AajTak/ Headlines Today, Channel 7/ IBN 7, Sakshi TV
'Kala Sach' is a collection of literary short stories written by Dr. Arvind Yadav.
Dr. Yadav is a prolific writer and has written many literary stories. These stories have been published in various newspapers and magazines. For the first time his stories are coming in form of a book.
Dr. Yadav has been a Journalist since 22 years now. He has worked with Media Organizations like Hindi Milap, AajTak/ Headlines Today, Channel 7/ IBN 7, Sakshi TV, TV9 and YourStory. He is an avid traveller too.
The modern idea of entrepreneurs comes from the economist Joseph Schumpeter's writings who saw them as the "wild spirits" driving change in the society. The passion of innovation and progress are now synonymous with the notion of the entrepreneurial spirit. Their ability to think different, provide unique perspectives and take risks has been instrumental in solving global problems. Through this book, Mr. Arvind Yadav, brings you the stories of some of these e
The modern idea of entrepreneurs comes from the economist Joseph Schumpeter's writings who saw them as the "wild spirits" driving change in the society. The passion of innovation and progress are now synonymous with the notion of the entrepreneurial spirit. Their ability to think different, provide unique perspectives and take risks has been instrumental in solving global problems. Through this book, Mr. Arvind Yadav, brings you the stories of some of these entrepreneurs whose wild spirits inspire us all.
When we spell out our pains and discomforts to our doctors, we often forget the empathetic persons listening patiently to us are people like us, with their own emotional histories of opportunities and difficulties. Surrounded by disease, it is awe-inspiring that doctors still maintain their composure of tireless optimism. What inspires these doctors to keep going despite the cut-throat competition in the sector, and the always-lingering misfortune that may str
When we spell out our pains and discomforts to our doctors, we often forget the empathetic persons listening patiently to us are people like us, with their own emotional histories of opportunities and difficulties. Surrounded by disease, it is awe-inspiring that doctors still maintain their composure of tireless optimism. What inspires these doctors to keep going despite the cut-throat competition in the sector, and the always-lingering misfortune that may strike their patients at any time? In this book, Mr. Arvind Yadav brings you unexplored facets of doctors' lives through these rich stories and detailed personal accounts of trials and tribulations that have defined the modern angels who serve the public and save lives.
The unfair circumstance of birth can severely limit the career options for a significant portion of the population who were born into poverty. Most of the underprivileged in our country start from no support; and in the daily routine of making ends meet, they rarely aspire to be famous or rich. However, against all odds, there are indomitable spirits that battle all the challenges that come their way with unrelenting courage. These inspiring stories are not
The unfair circumstance of birth can severely limit the career options for a significant portion of the population who were born into poverty. Most of the underprivileged in our country start from no support; and in the daily routine of making ends meet, they rarely aspire to be famous or rich. However, against all odds, there are indomitable spirits that battle all the challenges that come their way with unrelenting courage. These inspiring stories are not the usual rags-to-riches sagas, but represent an ambition to create a brand and empire in a class of their own. Mr. Yadav, in Mahaynayak, brings you the lessons of success and failure of these heroes who have conquered life against all odds.
Revolutions are all around us. Since they are not as bloody as the Russian Revolution or as massive as the Indian Freedom Struggle, these silent revolutions do not make for daily sensationalist headlines, yet continually change the lives of millions of people. From agricultural reform to healthcare outreach; from industrial action to socio-political agitation; behind each innovation is a person struggling relentlessly for a cause, often for little or no moneta
Revolutions are all around us. Since they are not as bloody as the Russian Revolution or as massive as the Indian Freedom Struggle, these silent revolutions do not make for daily sensationalist headlines, yet continually change the lives of millions of people. From agricultural reform to healthcare outreach; from industrial action to socio-political agitation; behind each innovation is a person struggling relentlessly for a cause, often for little or no monetary incentives, armed only with a well-articulated vision and the motivation to steer the nation towards their idea of progress. Mr. Arvind Yadav, in this book, passionately narrates the inspiring stories of these ambitious revolutionaries of modern India, leaving the readers with the poignant essence of what it means to change the world.
In the rapidly-changing India, women have broken free from the shackles of sexism that confined them to traditional roles and emerged with a passion to dictate the terms of their own lives. As leaders, they have displaced the monopoly of men in several sectors and are playing an increasingly important role in defining the future of the world. Through this book, Mr. Arvind Yadav, brings you the compelling stories of such women who have shattered the mental pris
In the rapidly-changing India, women have broken free from the shackles of sexism that confined them to traditional roles and emerged with a passion to dictate the terms of their own lives. As leaders, they have displaced the monopoly of men in several sectors and are playing an increasingly important role in defining the future of the world. Through this book, Mr. Arvind Yadav, brings you the compelling stories of such women who have shattered the mental prison of the four walls of their houses, changed the world, and now continue to pave the future by inspiring more women to dream big and be the superpowers of their own lives.
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