Ashok Nilakantan

Ashok Nilakantan Iyer, more popularly known as TN Ashok, is a journalist of standing in New Delhi, the capital of India. An old timer, he completed 50 years in journalism this year. He rose in the ranks of the media from an ordinary sub editor to a special correspondent and ultimately to the highest position of Editor (Economics) because of his wealth of experience in reporting global events. He holds a graduate and post graduate degrees in English and Economics. He was Editor of Corporate Trends and PTI Economic News Services. He has travelled with Prime Minister Narasimha Rao on his goodwillRead More...


No Time to Escape

Books by Ashok Nilakantan

Covid 19 – The Resurgence in China and its impact on the world  

When we thought Covid 19 was behind us, CHINA shocked the world reporting 37 million cases a day. Sars Cov 2 mutated to a new strain XBB5 in Dec 2022 from Omicron. This book brings us up to speed on the new strain. Its impact on global economy and travel restrictions worldwide.  

Hard sustained research by Ashok Nilakantan on Covid 19 supplements government efforts to com

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No Time to Hide COVID-19

Books by Ashok Nilakantan

Bringing the Geography & History of COVID-19

Not many people know what exactly is COVID 19, why was it named as such, its intensity, its rapid mutations and how it became the deadliest disease to attack mankind since the plague, spanish flu, ebola, and small pox. The author has done some hard research in assembling material on how covid 19 known by its genealogical name as SARS COV2, broke out in Wuhan in China and spread rapidly like a forest fi

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