
Baani Mehandru, a high school student who studies at Pathways World School, Aravali, has her previous work A Dreamy Quilt of Treasured Memories—an anthology of poems that delves into various themes one could relate with—compiled and published in August 2019. From a young age, Baani has a flair for writing and enjoys English Literature as a whole. She plans to pursue the same along with Psychology at a higher level for her education.  Read More...


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A Tapestry of Tales

Books by Baani Mehandru

A Tapestry of Tales weaves in its fabric multiple tales—of murder, love, failure, high school experiences, displaying to its readers an array of situations the protagonists experiences in their lives. It laces in life lessons, cross-roads etc. into the respective plot lines enunciating the meaning behind each of them. 

The author realizes that each one of us has different stories to narrate, incidents to ponder over, and moments to reminisce and thes

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A Dreamy Quilt of Treasured Memories

Books by Baani Mehandru

This book is a collection of scintillating poems from a denarian’s point of view, who pens down the obstacles and the reminiscing moments that came along during the journey of her life. Each poem attempts to create a connection with the reader, where you’d find yourself sharing and identifying with a similar moment or emotions in your life. With every page you flip, you will find a new theme being unveiled. This anthology of poems explores the different fa

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