Baishali Sonowal

Baishali Sonowal, hailing from Tezpur, Assam in North East India, turns poetess with Agonies Inside. She uses writing as a medium to express her inner-thoughts. Read More...



Books by Baishali Sonowal

Pain—it is a feeling that haunts people often. Pain—it has no bounds or duration as to when it can be fathomed. It can however, be understood by the world when they are strung through poems, embracing a person’s agony.

Agonies Inside is a collection of poems that reveals the pain and feelings inside the author. It voices the profound anguishes she underwent, the hardships she fought, a promise she made never to break down with the hope for a blissf

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My existence

By Baishali Sonowal in Poetry | Reads: 292 | Likes: 0

I opened my eyes, yes I did, I opened my eyes, and besides me she stood. She looked at me and smiled, I widened my lips, to offer a smile. A minute smile, that ended into tears. And yes, I could feel my existence here. She hold me in her arms, and kissed my forehead. And that was something, that hap  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 02:08 PM

You are away

By Baishali Sonowal in Romance | Reads: 406 | Likes: 1

Do you listen to, do you fathom? Do you interact with the inner rhythm? Haven't I ever known, that a soul unknown, Would reside in my spiritual home. Where did you come from? When did you know me? I kept asking you. You looked at me, with those eyes romantic, You touched my hands, with those hands i  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 12:54 AM

The painful silence

By Baishali Sonowal in Poetry | Reads: 547 | Likes: 1

Never did I realize, the presence of a haunted silence, How could I deny the gloomy shaped picture it displayed, Never did I imagine, the place it occupied in my heart, That tore my benevolence into pieces. I yelled, I screamed,  The pain was trying to kill, I yelled, I screamed, The pain would  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 11:23 PM

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