Bhavna Saini

Bhavna Saini ,an educator belongs to the city of Jalandhar located in Punjab and loves to teach the students in more innovative way .Bhavna, loves to teach kids regarding the latest technological innovations in a more lucid way and use the inductive techniques to lead to holistic development of the learner. Bhavna, loves to focus on cooking, teaching and aerobics.Read More...


Thrill of Two Hearts

Books by Bhavna Saini

Thrill of two hearts deals with the story of Shreya and Smoothie, where both are the best romantic couples in this century.

Shreya and Smoothie met each other like strangers but it transformed to the life partners relationship which was totally astonishing. Both adore and complement each other at the zenith level for this pious journey. Shreya and smoothie planned the shortest report card which is figured up in the thrill of two hearts.

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