
Bipin Gupta is an accomplished author, corporate trainer, executive coach and mentor. With over two decades of experience in the corporate world, particularly in Financial Services. He has held leadership roles and successfully built thriving business verticals from the ground up. With extensive learning experiences working alongside celebrated CEOs and CxOs, Bipin offers profound perspectives on success and failures, considering them as invaluable sources of wisdom and growth. As someone who embraces big risks in life, Bipin has faced numerous failures and has developed a fearlessness towardsRead More...


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What to Cook Today?

Books by Bipin Gupta

You might find this book helpful if you are often puzzled by the question, "What to cook today?". You are not alone in this struggle; many people face the same dilemma regarding meal planning and cooking.

This book offers a unique perspective on this common problem by using relatable characters and their experiences.

Through an exciting fictional story about weekend seminars, the book addresses meal planning challenges, dealing with family pref

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The Clearance Sale of Emotions

Books by Bipin Gupta

Step into a world where emotions are up for sale at the ‘Emotions Marketplace’. 

"Clearance Sale of Emotions" invites you to witness the extraordinary journey of individuals freeing themselves from the burdens of unwanted emotions and state of mind.

Join the characters as they explore a unique marketplace where emotions can be sold and the proceeds used to reclaim their power. In this one-of-a-kind blend of storytelling and an

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Guilty or not Guilty

Books by Bipin Gupta

Arjun, a young Banker in Mumbai, found himself standing in court, accused of murder and theft of fifty crores of cash, jewellery, and Diamonds.

With each testimonial against him, Arjun's character was dissected, and even his closest allies began to doubt his innocence. His lawyer, the brilliant Diwakar Bhasin, took up the daunting task of unearthing the truth. However, as he delved deeper, he found himself questioning his client's innocence and his own

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Navigating the Corporate Jungle

Books by Bipin Gupta

Whether you are embarking on your first job or striving for career advancement, this book could be your trusted guide.

Packed with practical insights and strategic approaches, it empowers MBA graduates to navigate confidently through the corporate landscape.

It provides valuable insights, practical strategies, and suggestions to assist you in excelling in your career. 

Additionally, you will gain troubleshooting techniques to handl

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Coach Your Boss

Books by Bipin Gupta

This book is a must-read for people who want to confront, support, or team up with their bosses to build a growth-oriented, supportive, and toxic-free workplace.

It introduces us to the author’s bizarre yet quirky imagination to help instil a coaching culture in the organization.

The author takes the reader through both fictional and non-fictional portrayals of coaching methods, making it simple to subtly understand its various nuances.

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Books by Bipin Gupta

Discover the profound wisdom of embracing failure as a stepping stone to success in this captivating book. The author delves into the universal truth of mortality, reminding us that while we all face the inevitable end, we have the power to choose how we respond to failure along the way. Through captivating stories and powerful insights, the book showcases the transformative potential of failing forward and maintaining an unwavering spirit. 

It offers

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