Dr. Brajesh Verma

Dr. Brajesh Verma was born on February 26, 1958, in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar. He has been in the field of journalism since 1987. He has worked as a sub-editor in a Hindi daily, Navbharat Times, and as a senior reporter in Hindustan Times, Patna and Ranchi respectively. Dr. Verma has authored several books including Hindustan Times Ke Saath Mere Din, Pratham Bihari: Deep Narayan Singh (1875–1935), Rashtrawadi Musalman (1885–1934), Muslim Siyaasat, Rajmahal and novels like Humsaya, Bihar – 1911, Rajyashri, Nadira Begum – 1777, Sarkar Babu, Chandan, Gulrukh Begum – 1661 and The SRead More...


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सुभाष की खोज

Books by डॉ. ब्रजेश वर्मा

दूसरे विश्वयुद्ध के बाद कुछ बड़े सैनिक अधिकारियों ने भारत में एक गुप्त संस्था का निर्माण कर नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस की रहस्यमय मृत्यु की सच्चाई को जानने का प्रयास किया था। ये वही

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Books by डॉ. ब्रजेश वर्मा

इस पुस्तक में एक विशाल राजधानी के छोटे से शहर में बदल जाने की कहानी है। राजमहल मध्य युग में बंगाल, उड़ीसा और बिहार के अलावा वर्तमान बांग्लादेश की भी राजधानी हुआ करता था, जिसे मुग़ल ब

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Books by डॉ. ब्रजेश वर्मा

अपनी मर्जी से जेल जाना कौन चाहता है? लेकिन चार युवाओं ने एक दिन सोचा कि क्यों नहीं जेल चला जाए ताकि देख सकें कि जेल के अन्दर होता क्या है। लेकिन वे कोई अपराध कर के जेल नहीं जाना चाहत

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Muslim Siyasat

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The book “Muslim Siyasat” is based on the historical evidences of Hindu-Muslim conflict between the years 1885–1947 during the freedom struggle in India in which the role of hundreds of known and unknown Muslim personalities have been focused responsible in making of modern India and for the partition too. The demand of power on the basis of religion, caste and creed as well as reservation use to damage a country have been highlighted in this book very w

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Pratham Bihari - Deep Narayan Singh (1875-1935)

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Deep Narayan Singh (1875-1935) of Bhagalpur district in Bihar was one of the inveterate travellers and best dressed Indian in 19th century. Besides engaging in public life, he travelled-both India and abroad and stayed many years in Europe. His travels abroad covered a period of not less than fifteen years. He was well informed Indian. It was no till 1920 that he met Mahatma Gandhi and he suddenly adopted Gandhian ideology. He donated his entire pro

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Hindustan Times Ke Saath Mere Din

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This is the story of a journalist who used to work in one of India’s leading Hindi dailies. One fine day, the paper decided to shut shop, causing him to lose his job. Wandering aghast and worried in search of employment, the man chanced upon an opportunity to work with a well-reputed English newspaper. Not wanting to let it go, and also to save face, he geared up and learnt English and succeeded in his mission of becoming a reporter for them!

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