
art venture
art venture

Crèare, an artistic venture, intertwines itself deeply with the essence of art and life.At Crèare, the very fabric of creativity is woven through books, magazines, canvases, and artistic expressions on various products. Likewise, the Crèare Foundation diligently champions the cause of art, bestowing rightful acclaim upon artists. It is a creative initiative that spreads happiness to many faces accompanied by various literacy shows and campaigns with welfare magazines which is the voice of social concerns - education for the less privileged, women empowerment, etc. Parenting, a formidable joRead More...


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कैनवास कथाएँ - हमारी प्रथम कल्पना

Books by क्रिऐर

कुछ बच्चे उदास थे। उन्होंने कैनवास पर रंग भरे। इन कैनवासों में भरे गए रंगों से विविध कहानियाँ उभरकर सामने आईं। क्रीआर फाउंडेशन बच्चों को कला से जोड़ता है। 'कैनवास कथाएँ-हमारी प

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कैनवास कथाएँ - हमारी प्रथम कल्पना

Books by क्रिऐर

कुछ बच्चे उदास थे। उन्होंने कैनवास पर रंग भरे। इन कैनवासों में भरे गए रंगों से विविध कहानियाँ उभरकर सामने आईं। क्रीआर फाउंडेशन बच्चों को कला से जोड़ता है। 'कैनवास कथाएँ-हमारी प

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अक्षर कला

Books by क्रीआर

“अक्षर कला”  के साथ 18 वर्ष के अनुभव जुड़े हैं। पुस्तक लिखने का निर्णय इसलिए लिया गया क्यूँकि इतने वर्षों तक बच्चों के साथ जुड़कर, उनके मन में चल रहे सवालों के द्वन्द को जाना साथ ही

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Number Proficiency

Books by Creare

From early childhood, we all loved to 'learn by doing.’ Crèare, we believe that every child must learn in a playful way through real-life examples and observations. With this core philosophy, we have developed our Number proficiency book series. This series is for our young leaders/minds. 

This workbook follows systematic and experiential learning with each topic presented with illustrations and fun-filled activities.

The activities are desig

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Writing Proficiency

Books by Crèare

From early childhood, we all loved to 'learn by doing’. At Crèare we believe that every child must learn in a playful way through real-life examples and observations. With this core philosophy, we have developed our writing proficiency book series. This series is for our young leaders/minds. 
This workbook follows systematic and experiential learning with each topic presented with illustrations and fun-filled activities.

The activities are design

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