Swati Das, M.A (English), B.Ed, PGCTE, had a long career as a teacher. She had been writing for a long time, in spurts, during her teaching career, but she took up writing regularly post-retirement. Though she loves to write in different genres including short stories, random thoughts, articles, the poetry form fascinates her the most. She draws inspiration from life itself which is her favourite muse. She loves to ponder over different aspects of life like nature, women, children spirituality, war, love, philosophy, which find a voice in her poems. She is a firm positive thinker and almost alRead More...



Books by SWATI DAS


Mystique Musings is an exploration of life. Raw emotions, turbulences in life, and simple joys are drawn with an artist’s heart through poignant words. The words carry you to the realm of an understanding that stirs your heart and emotions.

“True to its name, it is an ocean of beautiful, enigmatic expressions. Want to indulge in Indian/global thoughts/philosophy in English, this is a forum for you. A hugely rewarding literary experience.

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