Debangshu Patra

Bengali poem writer, short story writer, lyricist
Bengali poem writer, short story writer, lyricist

During his student life, Debangshu always loves to write about his personal experience and wanted to publish his own book. He is a keen observer of people's behavior which actually motivates him to write this book. He was a columnist for several Bengali blogs before deciding to publish his own book to fulfill his dream before turns out 28. Apart from poems he also performed in theatre, and stand-up comedy and is also a lyricist. Byatikromi is his debut book and there are many other books to be published in the future.Read More...



Books by দেবাংশু পাত্র

কলেজ শেষ করে বর্তমান অবস্থায় পৌঁছানোর গল্প, সামাজিক অভিজ্ঞতা, নিজের জেদ এবং তার নিজের প্রাসঙ্গিকতার প্রথম অনুবাদ ব্যতিক্রমী।

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By Debangshu Patra in Politics | Reads: 4,831 | Likes: 87

ছিয়াত্তরের মন্বন্তর পড়েছিলাম ছোটবেলায়, বইয়ের কতকগুলো পাতা উল্টেই, ব্যাপারটা শুধুই পড়ে নেওয়ার মতোই ছিল তখন আমার ক  Read More...

Published on Oct 18,2022 10:09 AM

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