Deepti Paikray

Deepti Paikray is a writer from New Jersey. She spent long years working in the corporate world, then picked up the pen. She believes she inherited the gift of writing from her father. While writing she stays open and receiving to let the stories flow from the great beyond to and through her.Read More...


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Stories at my Doorstep

Books by Deepti Paikray

In this collection of 21 essays and short stories, Deepti Paikray takes the reader into essential moments in the lives of people. 

Her characters are ordinary people trying to find a sense of quiet purpose in their life. A Gift from America, Mithu the visitor, and A Home to a house narrate a coming to terms by acceptance of circumstances. The fictional story Letting things come to us, takes us into the world of a childless couple, whereas The Call expl

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