Devendra Gauttam

Best Seller Author
Best Seller Author

Devendra Gauttam is a bilingual author who wrote many sonnets, free verses and short stories. His sonnets have been published in many anthologies. He lives in Rajasthan, India. Email: Instagram: @author_devendra_gauttam  Read More...


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The English Teacher

Books by Devendra Gauttam

The protagonist with an inborn lump above his right eyebrow, introvert in nature, nurtured by grandparents; has a hobby of writing, a dream to be successful writer and needs a government job to fulfill his ambitions who falls in a bad company and gets supplementary in his matrix. He comes in touch with two beautiful girls who become his ideal later. In his final year of graduation, his family forces him to enter in the wedlock and with a rich and educated beau

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The English Teacher

Books by Devendra Gauttam

The protagonist with an inborn lump above his right eyebrow, introvert in nature, nurtured by grandparents; has a hobby of writing, a dream to be successful writer and needs a government job to fulfill his ambitions who falls in a bad company and gets supplementary in his matrix. He comes in touch with two beautiful girls who become his ideal later. In his final year of graduation, his family forces him to enter in the wedlock and with a rich and educated beau

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