Dhananjay Yellurkar


Dhananjay Yellurkar is a senior finance professional and an avid marathoner. He is an alumnus of SDMCET, Dharwad and Northeastern University, Boston. “Fuel for My Journey” marks his debut as an author. At 58 years, Dhananjay’s primary objective of writing this memoir is to share his comeback story. In the past twelve years, he has managed to bust many myths regarding what a heart patient can or cannot do. To keep himself fit post a heart attack and multi-vessel bypass surgery, he picked up long-distance running and has run over dozen marathons across six continents. Dhananjay lives in MuRead More...


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Fuel For My Journey

Books by Dhananjay Yellurkar

In this inspiring memoir, Dhananjay Yellurkar brings to life the adage about mind over body and shares his story of becoming the rare person attack and open-heart surgery. His transformative journey from being a breadwinner in his mid-40s, struggling to deal with the aftermath of a major surgery to becoming a passionate long-distance runner is written in a breezy yet captivating style. From the challenges of training regularly on the streets of Mumbai, running

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Fuel For My Journey

Books by Dhananjay Yellurkar

In this inspiring memoir, Dhananjay Yellurkar brings to life the old adage about mind over body and shares his story of becoming the rare person who has run full marathons across six continents post his heart attack and open-heart surgery. His transformative journey from being a breadwinner in his mid-40s, struggling to deal with the aftermath of a major surgery to becoming a passionate long-distance runner is written in a breezy yet captivating style. From th

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