Dhruv gupta

Born in Hisar, Haryana,Dhruv Adarsh Gupta is a lawyer who has always had an interest in writing. He aspires to see and present the society with a different perspective through his writing. Even while practicing in Delhi High Court, he never give up his passion for writing. He feels writing is a good way to represent yourself to the audience by giving beautiful words to your thoughts. His dream is to prepare India into a better place to live – a place that is free from corruption, racism and terrorismRead More...



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Taqdeer ki Chaabi is the story of a person who dreams to become a millionaire and bask in the glories of this world. This is the story of a father who expected his son to make him proud and fulfil his dreams, and of a confused son wants to know why his father is always angry with him.

In this materialistic world, we usually forget about the most important thing which is more expensive and substantial than anything else – relations. Relations

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