Dinshaw Karanjia

Born and brought up in the south of Mumbai, Dinshaw Karanjia comes from a middle-class family. A post-graduate in accountancy, he is currently working with an MNC. The time he spent with street children during his years of formal education influenced his life choices and led to his first published work – a poem Imagine, published in the annual report of an MNC. His passion for cinema goes beyond the boundaries of time and space, and he moderates the Thinking Films group on Facebook. Besides writing and cinema, he enjoys travelling, and one can view his pictorial travelogue albums on FaceRead More...


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The Dweller

Books by Dinshaw Karanjia

There are people in this world with the ability to control other people and their karma.


Geniuses who have the power to lead other people.

Leaders who decide the future of other people.


Teachers who guide people to decide. Lawyers who decide on beha

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Awaiting Homeland

Books by Dinshaw Karanjia

Four stories. Each in search of their destiny and destination.

An American couple of Malay origin – Sia and Sam who want to raise their new-born in their native city, Kuala Lumpur. A Chinese couple – Mandy and James who want to move out of China so they can have a second child. Linda, a German on her career’s first deputation job outside Germany to Chennai, India. And Kishen Gopal, an Indian in Pakistan.

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So Be It

Books by Dinshaw Karanjia

Guilt. From the missed opportunity of stopping to lend a hand to a fallen fellow on the road, to willfully paying in cash to avoid taxes, to being a silent spectator to the atrocities of those in authority; has your conscience come to terms with it or does the guilt still linger?

Professor Siddhartha Kaul, a lecturer of Foundation Course in Model College, led a life as noble as his profession. Educating inside and outside the classroom, Siddhartha was an

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Embrace Me

By Dinshaw Karanjia in Romance | Reads: 6,052 | Likes: 8

I never thought I would have a love story. Amongst other commitments, I would always play safe. It would be a meeting of minds, leading to courtship and hopefully marriage and that’s about it. But life had other plans. However, never ever in my life I had imagined the love story that would hav  Read More...

Published on Jul 10,2022 07:51 PM

एक छोटा सा आशियाना

By Dinshaw Karanjia in Poetry | Reads: 107 | Likes: 0

एक छोटा सा आशियाना बनाया है मैंने चीजों से नहीं, ख्यालों से सजाया है मैंने I चिड़ियों की मधुर चहक तोह सब को सुनने मिलत  Read More...

Published on Feb 27,2021 11:23 PM

The Memory Tree

By Dinshaw Karanjia in Stories | Reads: 306 | Likes: 2

The Memory Tree “When I was in my early 30s, I was asked what I collected. My watch is from Std VIII, wardrobe is gifted, cell phone is company's and no vehicle yet. I watch many movies but no collection! But I still have my school books, I collect background scores of movies that matter, I pen do  Read More...

Published on Feb 25,2021 12:27 AM

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