Dheeraj Kapoor


DHEERAJ KAPOOR has been drawn to books and the English language from a young age. After pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Honors Degree in English Studies, he discovered a passion for teaching.  An alumni of Vidyashilp Academy, Bangalore, Dheeraj has  compiled and published Study Guides to The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.  Dheeraj lives in Bangalore, India. You can follow his academic endeavors on https://syllableblog.wordpress.com Read More...


The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Books by Dheeraj Kapoor

An in-depth analysis of William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. This Study Guide features important extracts from the complete play with detailed, easy-to-understand explanations that will help both teachers and students teaching and studying the play.


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