Dolly Kala Gonsalves is a multi-talented personality who is an amazing canvas artist by profession. This is her first novel which received starred positive reviews on online platforms. This inspired her to publish the novel. Dolly was born in Coimbatore and spent her growing up years in Chennai. She now resides in Delhi. She comes from an artistic family back ground. She is a mother to two boys and a wife to a loving husband. Not to miss the added family member, a medium-sized dog. She experimented with various artistic professions like singing, acting, hand made jewellery design, glass paintiRead More...


மை ஏன்ஜில்

Books by டாலி கலா கன்சால்வஸ்

நிரஜா... இவள் அழகுடன் மென்மையான மனம் உடையவள்... அந்த..ஏழ்மை நிலையிலும்..பார்ப்பவர்களை மீண்டும்.. பார்க்க வைக்கும் அழகு... கூட படித்தவள் பண்புடையவள்...அன்பை செலுத்தும்...இதயம் உள்ள

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