
For All Time

By E.L.Blade in Fantasy | Reads: 492 | Likes: 0

Stop! The ever familiar voice of a guy rang in my head and stopped my feet. A dark silhouette fell only an inch off my face, grazed the tip of my nose before shattering into a dozen of pieces before my feet. Its hapless shriek as it slammed into the asphalt road pulled me back to reality. I looked u  Read More...

Published on Aug 23,2017 10:31 AM


By E.L.Blade in Supernatural | Reads: 394 | Likes: 0

Leah shifted her weight from foot to foot, her mind at odds as she continued to stare at the rusty door knob. Her petite frame trembled furiously both from fear and the merciless December wind that continued to assault her senses from all directions. Rubbing her gloved-hands together can no longer p  Read More...

Published on Aug 23,2017 10:25 AM

Your Soul to Paint

By E.L.Blade in Supernatural | Reads: 398 | Likes: 0

Your Soul to Paint She sits in the darkness. The only working fluorescent lamp left in the studio shines blinding white light onto the canvas before her. The smell of paint and turpentine fought a silent war against the wave of pungent smell that fills the back of the room. Stacks of food wrapper an  Read More...

Published on Aug 23,2017 10:20 AM

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