Gurjinder Kaur

Gurjinder Kaur is presently working as an assistant professor of law (Department of Laws) in Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and has also worked as an assistant professor of law in University institute of legal studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Her area of specialization is Family law and Criminal law. This book is the outcome of her interest, which turned into the research work on the rights and procedural safeguards in the international adoptions as mandated by international organisations for the respective dealing nations and commitment of India towards it.Read More...


International Framework on Inter-Country Adoption

Books by Gurjinder Kaur

International Framework on Inter-Country Adoption is the reflection of the human effort to give a standard platform to the orphan children by committing their visions in the international bindings. It gives detailed guidelines for every nation dealing in ‘Inter-Country Adoption’ either as a sending state or a receiving one to confirm to certain humanitarian notions of rights, challenges, procedures and safety protocols to be followed for children i

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