Jeyasree Ravi

Jeyasree Ravi is a textile entrepreneur and a philanthropist. She founded Palam Silks, a hybrid boutique that specializes in unusual Kanchipurams. Her business acumen complimented the seeker within her and she developed a sincere interest towards exploring the right kind of living. Every situation we are put through has chains and metals creaking under it. In her pursuit of identifying this mechanism, she has self-taught several forms of meditation. During one such retreat, she penned down all 16 chapters of The Magical Scroll which explains the 16 invisible laws of the universe in detail. HerRead More...


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Thank You Creator

Books by Jeyasree Ravi

Gratitude is a powerful emotion. Reigning it in the right direction can ignite wonders in our lives.

“Thank God” has become an arbitrary phrase, do we really mean it when we say it?

Words become powerful when they are backed with emotion and intent. Thank you Creator is one such book that can spark strong emotions while reading it, filling the reader’s mind with utmost positivity, happiness and most importantly, gratitude. A feel-goo

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Thank You Creator

Books by Jeyasree Ravi

Gratitude is a powerful emotion. Reigning it in the right direction can ignite wonders in our lives.

“Thank God” has become an arbitrary phrase, do we really mean it when we say it?

Words become powerful when they are backed with emotion and intent. Thank you Creator is one such book that can spark strong emotions while reading it, filling the reader’s mind with utmost positivity, happiness and most importantly, gratitude. A feel-goo

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Mandira Suvadugal

Books by

மனிதர்களிடையே புதைந்திருக்கும் எண்ணிலடங்கா தவறான கருத்துக்களை முதலில் தகர்த்தெறிய வேண்டும். அவற்றுள் சில:வாழ்க்கை என்பது சவாலான ஒன்று தான். வாழ்க்கையின் பாதை என்பது ரோ

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The Magical Scroll

Books by J​eyasree Ravi

There is a need to break the umpteen misconceptions that man has. Life is tough. Life is not a bed of roses. Life is unfair. It is fate that one endures. Something right in your perception maybe wrong from another’s point of view.

There are several questions unanswered, gnawing at us deep within. Is there nothing that is fair in life? Why do we suffer? What is right and wrong? There is frustration – if only we knew the rules of life , we wouldn’t h

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