Kalpesh Malik

Dr. Kalpesh Malik is a renowned Cardiac Surgeon who has been in the medical field since 1988. He is a logical thinker who feels that the management of diseases is incomplete without the knowledge of exercise physiology and nutritional science.  He took a Bodybuilder’s and Master Trainer course from the International Federation of Bodybuilding and a course on Sports Nutrition from the International Sports Sciences Association.  He hit upon the idea of ‘Quantified Nutrition’ and has applied it to all his clients. Along with his wife, Ravinder Kaur, he started a fitnesRead More...


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The Scienti-Fit

Books by Dr. Kalpesh Malik

A renowned Cardiac Surgeon talks about the pitfalls in the field of medicine, nutrition, and fitness. He takes you on a tour through the world of fitness, logically and eloquently elucidating the various factors that lead to obesity and other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hypothyroidism.

The author explains how these conditions develop, how they can be prevented, and how they can be reversed most of the time. He has also develope

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The Scienti-Fit

Books by Dr. Kalpesh Malik

A renowned Cardiac Surgeon talks about the pitfalls in the field of medicine, nutrition, and fitness. He takes you on a tour through the world of fitness, logically and eloquently elucidating the various factors that lead to obesity and other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hypothyroidism.

The author explains how these conditions develop, how they can be prevented, and how they can be reversed most of the time. He has also develope

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