Kalpesh Pranali Vedak

Fiction Writer
Fiction Writer

Kalpesh Vedak, born in Vile Parle Mumbai, is an engineer by education and a storyteller by passion.  In the last few years, Kalpesh has published over five books. His books include, Yodha Dawn Of The Warrior Yodha II - Army Of Durga. His Road And Her Journey Split Screen The Terrorist Left Behind His dream is to see one of his books turned into a motion picture.Read More...


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The Terrorist Left Behind

Books by Kalpesh Vedak

A young social media influencer who believed his faith is under threat. A cadre whose ambitions have blinded him to a place where he is ready to do anything to become the future youth leader. An activist for whom human rights are above everything and The Terrorist Left Behind...

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Split Screen

Books by Kalpesh Pranali Vedak

A conversation between revenge and redemption.
What happens when Ravi a successful professional runs over a man late at night while driving?
What happens when Madhvi an ambitious young girl finds her father killed in a road accident?
What happens when their paths cross?

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Yodha II

Books by Kalpesh Pradip Vedak

Army Of Durga continues where the first installment Dawn Of The Warrior ended, after the gruesome sword fight between Ajinkya and Neelbhadra, the Garuda dynast awaits a bigger challenge. King Trishna and his Queen Meera has plans to conquer the Garuda Kingdom. Will the King of Garuda, Vishwa be able to avert this new challenge or will we see the rise of a new, unexpected leader...

Army of Durga is part two of the Yodha Series, it is preceeded by Yodha

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His Road & Her Journey

Books by Kalpesh Pranali Vedak

Baban decides to jump into electoral politics from being just a party cadre. His sharp mind and unique strategies makes him famous in the political world. But with fame he also creates threats for himself. Baban's wife Vanita stands by her husband in thick and thin. But as the two find more challenges it is Vanita who steps up ahead to surprise everyone. In this political game where ambitions makes one sell their loyalties, both Baban and Vanita are tested at

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Yodha Dawn of the Warrior

Books by Kalpesh Pradip Vedak

Three kingdoms. Two allies. One enemy. Three priests. A young prince and a princess in love. A warrior. A teacher with wisdom like nothing before. Yodha – The Dawn of the Warrior is a tale of love, betrayal, conspiracy, war and a quest for the truth. Two kingdoms have brokered a rather strong sense of peace to unite them – but all of a sudden, a seed of conspiracy is sown, and the peace between the nations is shaken up. A challenge to save love and a fight

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Shoe Thief

By Kalpesh Pranali Vedak in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 3,777 | Likes: 18

                            ...............when they walked towards the temple, Sarika looked at a worried Arun. She thought of asking him but then gave up on that thought. Once outside the temple, Sarika saw Arun taking a plastic  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 07:45 PM

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