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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalPandit Shri Kashinath Mishra is a distinguished personality from Odisha, India. He has dedicated more than four decades to studying "Bhavishya Malika." Blessed by the grace of Lord Shree Jagannath, he has fervently devoted his life to disseminating the core teachings of Bhavishya Malika, driven by the singular mission of preserving and propagating the wisdom inherent in the ancient Vedic traditions. His noble endeavor aims to safeguard humanity in the face of impending upheaval and destruction.Read More...
Pandit Shri Kashinath Mishra is a distinguished personality from Odisha, India. He has dedicated more than four decades to studying "Bhavishya Malika." Blessed by the grace of Lord Shree Jagannath, he has fervently devoted his life to disseminating the core teachings of Bhavishya Malika, driven by the singular mission of preserving and propagating the wisdom inherent in the ancient Vedic traditions. His noble endeavor aims to safeguard humanity in the face of impending upheaval and destruction.
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This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine know
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine knowledge. Delving into the enigmatic realms of the four yugas, it demystifies their essence and unveils the sins that contribute to Kali Yuga's downfall. Through a mesmerizing journey into Lord Maha-Vishnu's Dashavatar and the signs heralding the end of the age, readers are inspired to embrace spiritual evolution and seek righteousness. The profound exploration of Lord Kalki's birth and the signs from the holy land of Lord Jagannath leave readers captivated, yearning for more. As Volume 1 paves the way for further volumes, readers are invited to embark on an extraordinary odyssey, discovering divine wisdom and preparing for the dawning of a new era.
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine know
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine knowledge. Delving into the enigmatic realms of the four yugas, it demystifies their essence and unveils the sins that contribute to Kali Yuga's downfall. Through a mesmerizing journey into Lord Maha-Vishnu's Dashavatar and the signs heralding the end of the age, readers are inspired to embrace spiritual evolution and seek righteousness. The profound exploration of Lord Kalki's birth and the signs from the holy land of Lord Jagannath leave readers captivated, yearning for more. As Volume 1 paves the way for further volumes, readers are invited to embark on an extraordinary odyssey, discovering divine wisdom and preparing for the dawning of a new era.
Эта книга - захватывающее путешествие в глубины "Бхавишья Малика", древнего текста огромной значимости в период завершения Кали-Юги. Том 1 создает основу для всестороннего исследования пророчеств которым еще предстоит исполниться, пленяя читателя сво
Эта книга - захватывающее путешествие в глубины "Бхавишья Малика", древнего текста огромной значимости в период завершения Кали-Юги. Том 1 создает основу для всестороннего исследования пророчеств которым еще предстоит исполниться, пленяя читателя своей вечной мудростью и трансформирующими идеями. Раскрывая предсказания Панчасакхи, авторы "Бхавишьи Малика" освещают циклическую природу времени и силу божественного знания. Глубокое погружение в загадочные области четырех Юг разъясняет их сущность и раскрывает грехи, способствующие падению Кали-Юги. С помощью завораживающего путешествия в Дашаватару Господа Маха-Вишну и знаков, предвещающих конец эпохи, читателей вдохновляют на принятие духовной эволюции и поиск праведности. Глубокое исследование рождения Господа Калки и сигналов из священной земли Господа Яганната оставляет читателей в стремлении узнать больше. Как предсказано в "Бхавишья Малика", Россия имеет существенную и ведущую роль в приближающихся событиях, поэтому автор издаёт русскую версию книги. Поскольку Том 1 это только начальный этап познания "Бхавишья Малика" в преддверии последующих томов, читателей приглашают отправиться в удивительное путешествие, открывая божественную мудрость и готовясь к наступлению новой эры.
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine know
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine knowledge. Delving into the enigmatic realms of the four yugas, it demystifies their essence and unveils the sins that contribute to Kali Yuga's downfall. Through a mesmerizing journey into Lord Maha-Vishnu's Dashavatar and the signs heralding the end of the age, readers are inspired to embrace spiritual evolution and seek righteousness. The profound exploration of Lord Kalki's birth and the signs from the holy land of Lord Jagannath leave readers captivated, yearning for more. As Volume 1 paves the way for further volumes, readers are invited to embark on an extraordinary odyssey, discovering divine wisdom and preparing for the dawning of a new era.
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine know
This book is an enthralling journey into the depths of Bhavishya Malik, an ancient scripture of immense significance at the culmination of Kali Yuga. Volume 1 sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of prophecies yet to unfold, captivating readers with its timeless wisdom and transformative insights. Unveiling the prophecies of the Panchasakha, the authors of Bhavishya Malik, this book illuminates the cyclical nature of time and the power of divine knowledge. Delving into the enigmatic realms of the four yugas, it demystifies their essence and unveils the sins that contribute to Kali Yuga's downfall. Through a mesmerizing journey into Lord Maha-Vishnu's Dashavatar and the signs heralding the end of the age, readers are inspired to embrace spiritual evolution and seek righteousness. The profound exploration of Lord Kalki's birth and the signs from the holy land of Lord Jagannath leave readers captivated, yearning for more. As Volume 1 paves the way for further volumes, readers are invited to embark on an extraordinary odyssey, discovering divine wisdom and preparing for the dawning of a new era.
What is the Bhavishya Mallika puraan (ancient text)? When the Lord of the Universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mahavishnu out of His own infinite wish descends on Earth for the upliftment and re-establishment of Dharma, then, before His arrival the details of His birth, the divine actions He will perform, about his meeting with his devotees, the condition of the world at that time and how He will perform the act of re-establishment of dharma in the wo
What is the Bhavishya Mallika puraan (ancient text)? When the Lord of the Universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Mahavishnu out of His own infinite wish descends on Earth for the upliftment and re-establishment of Dharma, then, before His arrival the details of His birth, the divine actions He will perform, about his meeting with his devotees, the condition of the world at that time and how He will perform the act of re-establishment of dharma in the world and guide the world from one Yuga (era) to another; all these are written as per the Lord‘s directions. The reason for this being that mankind can follow these sacred texts adopt a path of righteousness as written in our vedas and come under God‘s protection.
As per Bhavishya Mallika, by the year 2030, all major and minor religions, beliefs and practises will assimilate into Satya Sanatan dharma and lead mankind to a brighter future. This book must be considered as the sole warning and sole salvation for mankind before the impending doom.
भविष्य मल्लिका पुराण (प्राचीन पाठ) क्या है? जब ब्रह्मांड के भगवान, देवत्व के सर्वोच्च व्यक्तित्व, महाविष्णु अपनी असीम इच्छा से धर्म के उत्थान और पुन: स्थापना के लिए पृथ्वी पर अवत
भविष्य मल्लिका पुराण (प्राचीन पाठ) क्या है? जब ब्रह्मांड के भगवान, देवत्व के सर्वोच्च व्यक्तित्व, महाविष्णु अपनी असीम इच्छा से धर्म के उत्थान और पुन: स्थापना के लिए पृथ्वी पर अवतरित होते हैं, तो उनके आगमन से पहले उनके जन्म का विवरण, वे दिव्य कार्य करेंगे , अपने भक्तों के साथ उनकी मुलाकात के बारे में, उस समय दुनिया की स्थिति और कैसे वे दुनिया में धर्म की फिर से स्थापना का कार्य करेंगे और एक युग (युग) से दूसरे युग में दुनिया का मार्गदर्शन करेंगे; ये सब भगवान के निर्देशानुसार लिखे गए हैं। इसका कारण यह है कि मानव जाति इन पवित्र ग्रंथों का पालन कर सकती है और हमारे वेदों में लिखे गए धार्मिकता के मार्ग को अपना सकती है और भगवान की सुरक्षा में आ सकती है।
भविष्य मल्लिका के अनुसार वर्ष 2030 तक सभी बड़े और छोटे धर्म, मान्यताएं और प्रथाएं सत्य सनातन धर्म में आत्मसात हो जाएंगी और मानव जाति को एक उज्जवल भविष्य की ओर ले जाएंगी। आसन्न कयामत से पहले इस पुस्तक को मानव जाति के लिए एकमात्र चेतावनी और एकमात्र उद्धार माना जाना चाहिए।
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