
Writer & Digital Artist
Writer & Digital Artist

This budding writer, Saratha Kavin, hails from Thuraiyur, a small town in Tiruchirapalli District of Tamilnadu. He did his Bachelor’s in English Literature from St. Joseph’s College, Trichy. Keenly interested in telling stories and his love for cinema, he started writing stories and screenplays and went on to do his Masters in Media Arts from the prestigious Loyola College, Chennai. With his first novel Neeraa, the author starts his journey as a writer. Email: [link removed]insta: kavins_tagramRead More...


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Books by சாரதா கவின்

கனவுகளை கொண்டு ஓர் கதை கோர்த்தேன்...

காணாதோர் பெருங்காதலைக் காண...

நில்லாதொரு மழைக்காலத்தில்...

யாருமற்று இரு உயிர்கள் கொள்ளும்...

வரமாய் ஓர் பயணம்...

இவர்களின் அன்ப

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