T.T. Kesavan

By profession an Engineer T.T.KESAVAN, joined in the Highways Department in 1956 as Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer and served in the Department at all levels and reached the top level post of Chief Engineer and retired in 1993 as Head of the Department. During all these years he has been involved in Planning, Investigation, Design, Construction and Maintenance of all Roads and Bridges of State and National Highways and in recognition of his hard and sincere services in the Department, he has been awarded ANNA Award by Government of TAMIL NADU  and has also earned the Distinguished AluRead More...


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Pannatu Ponmozhigal

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Basically this book is the back thinking of the Author. It contains GOLDEN SAYINGS of scholars and Leaders of India and, Poets, Philosophers and famous writers and worldwide renowned experts in various fields. The author has collected about 1905 Golden Sayings of 473 eminent and intellectual and world thinkers which will be useful to mankind in particular and Society in general.

In summerising and compiling all these quotes in the form

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