Avantika Khanna

Avantika Khanna is a 17 year old high school student with a passion for all things ancient and historical. An avid traveller, she has spent a majority of her life living out of a suitcase and absorbing the culture and heritage of the numerous places she has travelled to. Avantika hopes that through this book, she can instil respect and admiration for Indian heritage not only among foreigners but also among locals--helping people rediscover India, one story at a time. Read More...


India Story

Books by Avantika Khanna

India is a melting pot of cultures, people and languages. Much of what India is today is owed to the past – to the Sultanate, the Mughals, the British and others that have left an indelible mark in history. Each facet of history has come together to create India--a land of vibrancy, culture, magic and tradition. For years, Indians have used the art of story-telling to conserve the uniqueness of our country’s past. Brave rulers, intelligent minister

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