
We would not allow a student to get in the driver’s seat of a car without requiring driver’s education, and yet we allow our children to enter the complex financial world without any financial education. Kirti started the blog bemoneyaware to teach basics of money: Earning, Spending, Banks etc. Bemoneyaware then expanded to simplify, remove the jargon, explain the concepts related to money that an ordinary Indian faces, to make money aware as Awareness Empowers.Read More...


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Let’s Learn about Money

Books by Kirti

It takes tremendous strength to allow your kids suffer the consequences of their decisions, especially if you could have helped. Good parenting practices differ from family to family, but one value many parents want to instill in their children is to know about money i. e financial literacy. Helping your kids understand the value of money can be a difficult task. This book was written to help raise money-smart kids in a complex world. Children are con

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