Kishore Asthana

The author writes on diverse topics and his articles and poems have been published in the Speaking Tree columns of the Times of India, MINT, Covert Magazine and the Sunday Guardian. A few of his books in print include short stories titled “Tasnim & Other Stories”, “Three Extraordinary Love Stories”, a compilation titled, “Gospel of the Awakened”, a collection spiritual poetry, “Sunbeams from the Soul”, and poems on love and life, “Dear Heart”. He has also written a commentary on Nietzsche’s book from the non-dualist point of view under the title of “Thus Spake ZarathustRead More...


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Still Mind, Singing Heart

Books by K

Seeds of these lyrics quietly bide their time inside all of us. Now & then, when the mind is very still, they flower as poems. The poet is merely a florist who arranges some of these in a boquet. 

There are no names in the wonderland where these flowers grow. Ego, which dances on names and can’t survive without them, has no place here to call its own.

Use of ‘K’ is just a concession to convention, a convenient hook for this book. Ignore it

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The Book of Living in Contentment & Dying Serene

Books by Kishore Asthana

Simply extraordinary! I have been through many books in this category. None of them is as easy to read and put in practice the guidance given as this one. I plan to buy a few copies and give them away to friends and family. – Amol Kaikini


At one level, this book is for those who just want to understand the mysteries of the Sanatan Dharm, the Eternal Religion also known as Hinduism, including the symbolism of images and epics.

At a deep

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