
Corporate Trainer/Coach/Pod Caster/Writer
Corporate Trainer/Coach/Pod Caster/Writer

  Dr.R. KRISHNAMURTHI, Ph.D.,Corporate Trainer/Mentor/Speaker Author - Insights for Career Excellence, Thirukkural A Management Treasure, 7 Soft Skills for Hard Results, Communicative English for Career Excellence. Dr.R.Krishnamurthi, as an inspiring trainer, has conducted 2900 Executive, Faculty and Personality Development Programs to 30 Companies and 28 Institutions in his thirty-five years experience into teaching and training. Thirukkural forms part of his teaching, training and coaching programs. He is a Visiting/Adjunct Faculty to many Business Schools. He, as a Professional Speaker, haRead More...


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Communicative English for Career Excellence

Books by Dr. R. Krishnamurthi Ph.D.,

Many have lost many opportunities because of their inability to speak and write in English. People have skills in their functional areas but they lack the skills to communicate in English.

This book is for middle level executives and students to help them speak confidently and write convincingly. It contains assessments, practice tests, tools, and techniques to overcome barriers and speak confidently and write convincingly. It will help them use the exi

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7 Soft Skills for Hard Results

Books by Dr. R. Krishnamurthi Ph.D.,

Relationship happens when there is a need fulfillment. You will have a lasting relationship with this book as it will fulfill many of your skill needs. Be hard on the assessments, practices, exercises, and activities to build soft skills to produce hard results. 

This book will help you bridge the gap between knowing and doing. Definitely, the book will achieve that as it contains many activities, tools, and cases. Seven soft skills, chosen after a lot

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Books by Dr. R. Krishnamurthi

A classic is a piece of work that stands the test of time. A classic is for all ages: past, present, and future. Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural is a classic. It is a highly resourceful management literature. I have been profusely using Kurals in my teaching, training, coaching and talks to drive home some of the best management concepts and practices. This book traces the modern management practices to the wisdom in Thirukkural. Do you want to

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Books by Dr. R. Krishnamurthi

We see a lot but do we observe what we see to gain insights? When we do not observe what we see, seeing something through our mental eyes becomes very remote. Insight is seeing something through our mental eyes. Definitely, this book reduces the distance between seeing things through physical and mental eyes.

Most of the insights have emotions and thoughts that have day to day appeals. The readers can associate themselves with the insights and identify t

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