K S Krishnan

I am from a Kerala Namboodiri family and grew up frequently hearing the Rgveda being chanted in the Kerala style. My father could recite the entire Rgveda from memory effortlessly, as was usual for most Namboodiries of that time. But I always held the view that this kind of rote learning, without understanding a word of it, is wasted effort, and I never had any emotional or ideological attachment to Vedas. In fact, my attitude to these texts was one of a rebel. Until recently, it was my firm belief that the ‘Aryan invasion’ was a fact of history. It was a series of articles that apRead More...


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Origin of Vedas

Books by K S Krishnan

This book is primarily about the Rgveda, the avowed source text of all Hindu religious texts. It is a collection of 1028 mostly unrelated hymns. The language in which it is composed is known as ‘Vedic’, from which Sanskrit is believed to have evolved later. About a fifth of the poems are prayers addressed to what could be ‘Nature Gods’. Others cover a motley of subjects. About fifteen of these hymns relates to cosmogony, but differing in essentials.

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