Yuvan Aves, Aswathi Asokan and Nikkitha Terasa

Yuvan Aves - Yuvan is an award-winning writer, naturalist, educator and activist based in Chennai. His interests include reimagining an Earth-centric and child-centric education, the reciprocity between languages and ecologies, and ground-up processes of change and politics. He writes on topics at the intersection of ecology, education, and human/more-than-human consciousness. He is the author of four books, recipient of the M.Krishnan Memorial Nature Writing Award, the Sanctuary Asia Green Teacher Award and Young People for Politics Champion Award. He loves working with children and consults Read More...


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Books by Yuvan Aves, Aswathi Asokan And Nikkitha Terasa

The coast can be a much more lively and exciting learning space than any classroom. The winds, currents, creatures and people have so much to teach us, and this book shows you how. "Seashells" has been designed keeping in mind children from 3 - 12 years of age, but can be a fun and enriching portal to learning in coastal landscapes, for anybody. We hope this book builds your relationship with this unique habitat, and helps the learner; educator and parent grow

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A Naturalist’s Journal

Books by M.Yuvan

This is a book that is full of surprises! Yuvan’s talents as a naturalist, storyteller and wise young philosopher will certainly delight you whether you are a nature buff or not.

The acrobatics and apparent eccentricities of the Indian Roller, the little Barbet that watches people around with endless curiosity from the hollow of a tree, and many other beings that share the world with us are brought alive in a way that gives us a feeling of intimate con

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