sukumar mandalika

Engineer (retired) by profession, Writer by passion!
Engineer (retired) by profession, Writer by passion!

Sukumar Mandalika is a retired engineer-consultant by profession, with a lifetime of experience in reputed Indian private organisations.  A writer by passion, he has all his life been unabashedly addicted to Hindi films and music.  He has recently relocated from his hometown Madras to the marvellous city of Bengaluru, along with his wife Padmavathy.  Read More...


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Books by Sukumar Mandalika

Youth . . . like Spring, it is an ethereal, exhilarating and enchanting season that favours each one of us just once. Like Time, it never lasts long enough, its succulence slipping away silently and stealthily. Like Mother Nature, it lets you be your own teacher of right and wrong. Like Desire, it leaves you yearning for more, never to return.

Youth, at more than half of its population, is the very arbitrator of India’s destiny today. There are you

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I, ANAMIKA . . .

Books by Sukumar Mandalika

An orphanage in a sleepy town of India.
A predatory politician drunk on power.
An outraged inmate and her retributive justice.
Her unexpected drifting into a different world.
And her exploits there that are anything but commonplace.

“I, ANAMIKA . . .” is an emotional, adventurous journey into the diabolical yet delectable world of politics. Come, fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride!

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Down Bollywood Street, On Melody Beat

Books by Sukumar Mandalika & Ravi C. Narayan

India is home to almost every religion in the world, each practised by its own set of believers.  But two religions are practised, indeed celebrated, by all Indians across the length and breadth of the country all the time . . . cricket and cinema.

Indian cinema is 100 years old.  105 years, to be exact, since Dadasaheb Phalke made India’s first full length silent film Raja Harishchandra in 1913.

Sound entered the s

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Books by Sukumar Mandalika

Youth . . . like Spring, it is an ethereal, exhilarating and enchanting season that favours each one of us just once. Like Time, it never lasts long enough, its succulence slipping away silently and stealthily. Like Mother Nature, it lets you be your own teacher of right and wrong. Like Desire, it leaves you yearning for more, never to return.

Youth, at more than half of its population, is the very arbitrator of India’s destiny today. There are you

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