Dr P. Manickam Dr P. Manickam serves as Scientist F at ICMR-NIE. He is a trained physician in the Siddha System of Medicine, which is one of India’s Ayush systems based in South India. He has completed his Master’s and PhD in Epidemiology and Advanced Studies in Health District Management. At ICMR-NIE, he heads the Division of Online Courses and is responsible for the institute’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) initiative in health research. He serves as a core faculty at the ICMR School of Public Health for a two-year Field Epidemiology Training Programme leading to an MPH and a Read More...


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Health Research Fundamentals

Books by P Manickam, Tarun Bhatnagar

Are you aspiring or pursuing a career in health research? Are you inquisitive about how health research is planned and implemented? 

You could be a student, a physician or surgeon, a public health practitioner, a health counsellor, a research associate, a nurse, a pharmacist, a data manager, a project manager, an ethics committee member or just curious! Health Research Fundamentals is the book to start with to be a competent public health researcher. 

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