Surya N. Maruvada

One of the primary benefits of being raised in a household with a grandfather who was not only a professor of English Literature but a Sanskrit scholar as well was that the walls were decked with great works of literature. Making good use of this benefit, Surya Maruvada had read and loved the major books from which the stories in this book were extracted including the Mahābhārata, Bhāgavata, Rāmāyaṇa and Dēvī Bhāgavata in poetic versions during his teen years. After emigrating to the USA and raising his children there, he wished there was something he could do because his children aRead More...


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Who is Who of Hindu Mythology - VOL 2

Books by Surya N. Maruvada

It is hard enough for anyone other than a dedicated scholar to read all 18 cantos of the great epic Mahābhārata let alone the Rāmāyaṇa, Bhāgavata and the many Purāṇās as well. In view of this and particularly today’s fast-paced life, this book presents the stories of characters from all the books of Hindu Mythology in a compact English version. 

While reading a Telugu book titled ‘Pūrva Gāthā

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Who is Who in Hindu Mythology - VOL 1

Books by Surya N. Maruvada

It is hard enough for anyone other than a dedicated scholar to read all 18 cantos of the great epic Mahābhārata let alone the Rāmāyaṇa, Bhāgavata and the many Purāṇās as well. In view of this and particularly today’s fast-paced life, this book presents the stories of characters from all the books of Hindu Mythology in a compact English version. 

While reading a Telugu book titled ‘Pūrva Gāthā

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