Mayur Meshram

Mayur Meshram, a diesel dynamo, taking time for ignition, really took five years to think about the fuel for this book and finally penned it down in two months. Helming a calm composure and a brilliant line of thoughts, Mayur has done Computer Engineering and MBA in Finance (for his bread and butter). Currently, he is crunching numbers in a finance firm, based out of Mumbai.   One can connect with him via mail on: Read More...



Books by Mayur Meshram

Vikas woke up with a start. Shrouded in the darkness of night, wracked with confusion and pain, he kept drifting in and out of consciousness. When he woke up next, the sight of his parents greeted him. But, his relief was short lived, for a few feet away stood the police. His dread compounded by the fact that he was in a hospital.

Later that day, Vikas, more in control of his senses, thanks to a concoction of vitamins and glucose being pumped into him st

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