Mukul Talukdar


Mukul Talukdar was born in the small town of Pathsala in the beautiful state of Assam, India. Growing up, he was fascinated with astronomy and loved finding answers to the questions on our universe and existence. After passing out of military school and completing a degree in mechanical engineering, he found the most valuable resource in his life, time. A new realm of possibilities opened up for him to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a writer, to contribute to society, to learn something new, and to expand our perspective. Mukul explores the phenomenon of natural physics and technology,Read More...


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Way Beyond

Books by Mukul Talukdar

The Org is an ancient and mysterious organization that supervises the human species genetic, behavioral, and technological advancement. It manages annihilation and apocalypse at the civilization level. A young apprentice, Alex Lucent, was recruited under one of the finest organization agents. Under some unforeseen circumstances, he came across two choices, either to quit or to set out on a very dangerous quest to fight against someone with the intention to sha

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