Neeraj Kumar Srivastava, also known as Neeraj Krishna, is Assistant Accounts Officer in Defence Accounts Department. Having completed his schooling in Lucknow, he worked in Allahabad for fifteen years, and is now posted in Lucknow. Sri Neeraj Krishna was a mediocre student during his studies and he worked hard to get to the present position in the department. Four years ago, he felt that his destination is somewhere else. Inspired by some circumstances of his life and by the social condition of the society, he felt that his destination is somewhere else. Now he is moving towards the direction Read More...


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Kisaan: Bhukhon Ka Devata

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Kisaan: Bhukon ka Devta is a story about farmers who work hard but do not get any respectable positions or chances for proper participation in the society. Despite hard work, these farmers become from poor to poorer and the rich become richer. The middleman has become instrumental in creating a gap between the poor and the rich.

Today’s youth show interest only in getting a handsome package and living happily along with all the lates

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