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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalBrigadier OA James hails from Ottathengal House, Puzhavathu, Changanacherry. His illustrious military journey commenced in 1971 at the esteemed Indian Military Academy in Dehradun. His military service spanned diverse locations, from cities like Delhi and Bhopal to challenging high-altitude terrains in Kashmir and borders adjoining Pakistan and China. He got special training in Sweden and Norway on electronic equipment. He was Head of the Department of Communication Engineering at the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad. He also played a crucial role in theRead More...
Brigadier OA James hails from Ottathengal House, Puzhavathu, Changanacherry. His illustrious military journey commenced in 1971 at the esteemed Indian Military Academy in Dehradun.
His military service spanned diverse locations, from cities like Delhi and Bhopal to challenging high-altitude terrains in Kashmir and borders adjoining Pakistan and China. He got special training in Sweden and Norway on electronic equipment. He was Head of the Department of Communication Engineering at the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad. He also played a crucial role in the Officer selection at the Services Selection Board, Bhopal.
As a Colonel, he led a Battalion in Punjab. Later, as a Brigadier, he was Commandant and Managing Director at 508 Army Base Workshop in Allahabad with nine hundred civilians and three hundred combatants.
He made significant contributions as head of the NCC organisation in Kerala and Lakshadweep. He retired from military service in 2008.
Outside his professional life, Brigadier James cherishes his family time. His wife, Mary James, is the family’s cornerstone. Their children now live in the U.S.A. This biography offers a glimpse into Brigadier James’ life, marked by service, leadership, dedication, resilience, faith and devotion. For readers around the globe, especially those grappling with life-altering challenges like cancer, Brigadier James’s enduring faith stands as a testament to the human spirit and perseverance.
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"Rangos Y Rosarios" narra el apasionante viaje del Brigadier James, un distinguido oficial del Ejército de la India. Nacido en circunstancias modestas, su vida y carrera militar ejemplificaron dedicación, resiliencia y liderazgo.
Lideró unidades de Ingeniería Electrónica y Mecánica en Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh y Sikkim, y se desempeñó como Oficial al Mando en el Taller de Brigada de Siachen. Como Coronel, comandó un Batallón en Pun
"Rangos Y Rosarios" narra el apasionante viaje del Brigadier James, un distinguido oficial del Ejército de la India. Nacido en circunstancias modestas, su vida y carrera militar ejemplificaron dedicación, resiliencia y liderazgo.
Lideró unidades de Ingeniería Electrónica y Mecánica en Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh y Sikkim, y se desempeñó como Oficial al Mando en el Taller de Brigada de Siachen. Como Coronel, comandó un Batallón en Punjab. Ya como Brigadier, fue Comandante y Director General de un Taller Base en Allahabad y, posteriormente, dirigió el Cuerpo Nacional de Cadetes (NCC) en Kerala.
Junto a su prestigiosa carrera, su radiante esposa, Mary, fue la luz constante en su vida. Su vínculo, que abarcó 45 años de un matrimonio dichoso, fue un verdadero testimonio de amor y compañerismo.
Tras su retiro, el Brigadier incursionó en la política, el servicio comunitario, el mentorazgo y los viajes por el mundo. Sin embargo, un duro diagnóstico de cáncer de hígado en plena pandemia de COVID-19 puso a prueba su fortaleza. Durante este desafiante período, su fe inquebrantable se convirtió en su guía, y el Rosario simbolizó su esperanza y fortaleza. Mientras el mundo luchaba contra la pandemia, su hogar se transformó en un santuario de oración intensa, conectándolo con lo divino. La inesperada aparición de un papamoscas del paraíso en su jardín se erigió como un testimonio de la naturaleza sobre su recuperación y triunfo espiritual.
"Rangos y Rosarios" demuestra el poder de la fe en tiempos de adversidad, resaltando la unión entre el liderazgo militar y la resiliencia espiritual. El Brigadier sigue inspirando a jóvenes aspirantes como mentor en la Academia de Defensa Berchmans, en Changanacherry, Kerala.
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ में ब्रिगेडियर जेम्स अपनी भारतीय सेना के साथ 37 वर्षों की अद्वितीय यात्रा का वर्णन करते हैं। उनके अनुभवों में महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ शामिल हैं, जैसे प्रध
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ में ब्रिगेडियर जेम्स अपनी भारतीय सेना के साथ 37 वर्षों की अद्वितीय यात्रा का वर्णन करते हैं। उनके अनुभवों में महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ शामिल हैं, जैसे प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या के बाद की स्थिति और भोपाल गैस त्रासदी। उन्होंने देश के कठिन इलाकों में सैन्य इकाइयों को महत्वपूर्ण इंजीनियरिंग सहायता प्रदान की। लेकिन इन वीरता की कहानियों के बीच, उनका कैंसर के खिलाफ संघर्ष भी शामिल है — एक ऐसा युद्ध जो किसी भी मोर्चे पर लड़ी गई लड़ाई से कम नहीं था।
पुस्तक की प्रस्तावना (अंग्रेजी संस्करण):
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ एक आत्मकथा की सीमाओं को पार करते हुए एक भावनात्मक कथा बन जाती है, जो वीर नेतृत्व, अडिग प्रेम, निरंतर आशा और गहरी आस्था का संगम है, और यह वैश्विक पाठकों के दिलों को छूने के लिए तैयार है।
आर्कबिशप थॉमस थारयिल, आर्केपार्ची चांगानाचेरी, केरल, भारत।
यह आत्मकथा केवल एक व्यक्तिगत कहानी नहीं है; यह पाठकों के लिए एक प्रेरणा है, जो सहनशीलता और आशा का प्रतीक है। मैं पूरे दिल से इस किताब की सिफारिश करता हूँ, मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि यह गहरे रूप से जुड़कर दिलों को छुएगी।
लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल डॉ. मोहन भंडारी, PVSM, AVSM*, DLitt, FIMA
ex-अध्यक्ष UKPSC, Ex-DGNCC, रक्षा मंत्रालय
Proceed from this book will be dedicated to helping cancer patients.
"Rangos Y Rosarios" narra el apasionante viaje del Brigadier James, un distinguido oficial del Ejército de la India. Nacido en circunstancias modestas, su vida y carrera militar ejemplificaron dedicación, resiliencia y liderazgo.
Lideró unidades de Ingeniería Electrónica y Mecánica en Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh y Sikkim, y se desempeñó como Oficial al Mando en el Taller de Brigada de Siachen. Como Coronel, comandó un Batallón en Pun
"Rangos Y Rosarios" narra el apasionante viaje del Brigadier James, un distinguido oficial del Ejército de la India. Nacido en circunstancias modestas, su vida y carrera militar ejemplificaron dedicación, resiliencia y liderazgo.
Lideró unidades de Ingeniería Electrónica y Mecánica en Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh y Sikkim, y se desempeñó como Oficial al Mando en el Taller de Brigada de Siachen. Como Coronel, comandó un Batallón en Punjab. Ya como Brigadier, fue Comandante y Director General de un Taller Base en Allahabad y, posteriormente, dirigió el Cuerpo Nacional de Cadetes (NCC) en Kerala.
Junto a su prestigiosa carrera, su radiante esposa, Mary, fue la luz constante en su vida. Su vínculo, que abarcó 45 años de un matrimonio dichoso, fue un verdadero testimonio de amor y compañerismo.
Tras su retiro, el Brigadier incursionó en la política, el servicio comunitario, el mentorazgo y los viajes por el mundo. Sin embargo, un duro diagnóstico de cáncer de hígado en plena pandemia de COVID-19 puso a prueba su fortaleza. Durante este desafiante período, su fe inquebrantable se convirtió en su guía, y el Rosario simbolizó su esperanza y fortaleza. Mientras el mundo luchaba contra la pandemia, su hogar se transformó en un santuario de oración intensa, conectándolo con lo divino. La inesperada aparición de un papamoscas del paraíso en su jardín se erigió como un testimonio de la naturaleza sobre su recuperación y triunfo espiritual.
"Rangos y Rosarios" demuestra el poder de la fe en tiempos de adversidad, resaltando la unión entre el liderazgo militar y la resiliencia espiritual. El Brigadier sigue inspirando a jóvenes aspirantes como mentor en la Academia de Defensa Berchmans, en Changanacherry, Kerala.
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ में ब्रिगेडियर जेम्स अपनी भारतीय सेना के साथ 37 वर्षों की अद्वितीय यात्रा का वर्णन करते हैं। उनके अनुभवों में महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ शामिल हैं, जैसे प्रध
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ में ब्रिगेडियर जेम्स अपनी भारतीय सेना के साथ 37 वर्षों की अद्वितीय यात्रा का वर्णन करते हैं। उनके अनुभवों में महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ शामिल हैं, जैसे प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या के बाद की स्थिति और भोपाल गैस त्रासदी। उन्होंने देश के कठिन इलाकों में सैन्य इकाइयों को महत्वपूर्ण इंजीनियरिंग सहायता प्रदान की। लेकिन इन वीरता की कहानियों के बीच, उनका कैंसर के खिलाफ संघर्ष भी शामिल है — एक ऐसा युद्ध जो किसी भी मोर्चे पर लड़ी गई लड़ाई से कम नहीं था।
पुस्तक की प्रस्तावना (अंग्रेजी संस्करण):
‘आशा, विश्वास और प्रत्याशा’ एक आत्मकथा की सीमाओं को पार करते हुए एक भावनात्मक कथा बन जाती है, जो वीर नेतृत्व, अडिग प्रेम, निरंतर आशा और गहरी आस्था का संगम है, और यह वैश्विक पाठकों के दिलों को छूने के लिए तैयार है।
आर्कबिशप थॉमस थारयिल, आर्केपार्ची चांगानाचेरी, केरल, भारत।
यह आत्मकथा केवल एक व्यक्तिगत कहानी नहीं है; यह पाठकों के लिए एक प्रेरणा है, जो सहनशीलता और आशा का प्रतीक है। मैं पूरे दिल से इस किताब की सिफारिश करता हूँ, मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि यह गहरे रूप से जुड़कर दिलों को छुएगी।
लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल डॉ. मोहन भंडारी, PVSM, AVSM*, DLitt, FIMA
ex-अध्यक्ष UKPSC, Ex-DGNCC, रक्षा मंत्रालय
Proceed from this book will be dedicated to helping cancer patients.
Ranks and Rosaries narrates the compelling journey of Brigadier James, a distinguished officer of the Indian Army. Born into modest circumstances, his life and military career exemplified dedication, resilience and leadership.
He led the Electronics and Mechanical Engineering units in Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim and served as Officer Commanding at the Siachen Brigade Workshop. As a Colonel, he commanded a Battalion in Punjab. As a
Ranks and Rosaries narrates the compelling journey of Brigadier James, a distinguished officer of the Indian Army. Born into modest circumstances, his life and military career exemplified dedication, resilience and leadership.
He led the Electronics and Mechanical Engineering units in Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim and served as Officer Commanding at the Siachen Brigade Workshop. As a Colonel, he commanded a Battalion in Punjab. As a Brigadier, he was the Commandant and MD of a Base Workshop in Allahabad and later headed the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in Kerala.
Alongside his esteemed career, his radiant wife, Mary, was the constant glow in his life. Their bond, spanning 45 years of blissful marriage, was a testament to love and partnership.
Post-retirement, the Brigadier ventured into politics, community service, mentorship and globetrotting. However, a stark diagnosis of liver cancer amid the COVID-19 pandemic tested his resolve. During this challenging period, his unwavering faith emerged as the beacon, with the Rosary symbolising hope and strength. As the world grappled with the pandemic, his home transformed into a sanctuary of intense prayers, bridging him with divinity. The unexpected appearance of a Paradise Flycatcher in his backyard stood as nature's testament to his recovery and spiritual triumph.
Ranks and Rosaries demonstrate the power of faith during adversity, highlighting the marriage of military leadership with spiritual resilience. The Brigadier continues to inspire mentoring young aspirants at the Berchmans Defence Academy, Changanacherry, Kerala.
Ranks and Rosaries narrates the compelling journey of Brigadier James, a distinguished officer of the Indian Army. Born into modest circumstances, his life and military career exemplified dedication, resilience and leadership.
He led the Electronics and Mechanical Engineering units in Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim and served as Officer Commanding at the Siachen Brigade Workshop. As a Colonel, he commanded a Battalion in Punjab. As a
Ranks and Rosaries narrates the compelling journey of Brigadier James, a distinguished officer of the Indian Army. Born into modest circumstances, his life and military career exemplified dedication, resilience and leadership.
He led the Electronics and Mechanical Engineering units in Uttarakhand, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Sikkim and served as Officer Commanding at the Siachen Brigade Workshop. As a Colonel, he commanded a Battalion in Punjab. As a Brigadier, he was the Commandant and MD of a Base Workshop in Allahabad and later headed the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in Kerala.
Alongside his esteemed career, his radiant wife, Mary, was the constant glow in his life. Their bond, spanning 45 years of blissful marriage, was a testament to love and partnership.
Post-retirement, the Brigadier ventured into politics, community service, mentorship and globetrotting. However, a stark diagnosis of liver cancer amid the COVID-19 pandemic tested his resolve. During this challenging period, his unwavering faith emerged as the beacon, with the Rosary symbolising hope and strength. As the world grappled with the pandemic, his home transformed into a sanctuary of intense prayers, bridging him with divinity. The unexpected appearance of a Paradise Flycatcher in his backyard stood as nature's testament to his recovery and spiritual triumph.
Ranks and Rosaries demonstrate the power of faith during adversity, highlighting the marriage of military leadership with spiritual resilience. The Brigadier continues to inspire mentoring young aspirants at the Berchmans Defence Academy, Changanacherry, Kerala.
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