Sceince and Spirituality Writer, Author and Speaker
Sceince and Spirituality Writer, Author and Speaker

With a background in Science, the author was shaped by his spiritual upbringing at home. Delving into the realm of spirituality and world religions, the author aimed to make it accessible to modern society. In his previous work “The Story of Steel” the author traced the history of Iron before the Industrial revolution. This was followed by his book on "Humans in Space" which explores the world of space and its origins This book is the last of the series translated from late author's magnum opus: "Hindu Dharm ka Itihaas – Adikaal se Aaj Tak" It delves into the evolution and impact of HindRead More...


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A Brief History of Hinduism

Books by Lal Mani Ojha

Delving deep into the depths of time, this book traces the ancient origins and tumultuous evolution of Hinduism over a span of twenty thousand years. It unravels the mysteries and secrets that have been passed down through generations, as old as the towering mountains themselves. This is the epic story of a religion that emerged with the dawn of humanity, intertwined with the very peopling of the Indian subcontinent. With a seeker's mind, it uncovers archeolog

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भारतीय विज्ञान का इतिहास

Books by लाल मणि ओझा

इस पुस्तक को लिखने का उद्देश्य भारत की विज्ञानिक विरासत से लोगों को अवगत करना है। भारत मे विज्ञान का जन्म हमारे ऋषियों के मुक्त चिंतन से हुआ। हमारे ऋषियों की श्रीष्टि एवं नक्षत

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हिंदू धर्म का इतिहास

Books by लाल मणि ओझा

इस पुस्तक को लिखने का उदेश्य अन्तरिक्ष के गर्भ में छिपी हुई भारत की बीस हजार वर्ष की गौरवशाली विरासत को भारत वासियों और विश्व के लोगों से अवगत कराना है । वैज्ञानिकों और ऋषियों मे

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