Dr. Pooja Singh Gangania

Dr. Pooja Singh Gangania was born on 14 July 1985. She completed her Ph.D. (Degree awaited) in Medical Microbiology. She has already published two books, General Microbiology & Techniques for undergraduates for an esteemed university and Bacterial isolates & characterization: Post-surgical wound infection. The author has also published nine research papers in both national and international medical journals. She has presented several paper and poster in medical conferences. Currently she is working as a reviewer and editorial board member for five medical journals of repute.  &ldqRead More...



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Dr. Pooja Singh Gangania’s poems in Alp-Viram reflect multiple shades of life. Needless to say, the deep rooted emotions govern the mind of the poetess and overflow the papers in the form of poetry. The poems in Alp-Viram are of diverse images and cover the vision of the poetess about life and her way to see the world. Being an individualistic approach of poetess does not limit its relativity to mankind. The Innovative treatment and experiment with the poetr

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