Prithvipal Singh Kanawat

Prithvipal Singh Kanawat is a Civil Servant based in Jaipur, Rajasthan. He belongs to Mirgeshwar Village (Pali district) but was born and brought up in Jodhpur and completed his studies there. He loves travelling and meeting new people. He has also had a keen interest in Rajasthani proverbs and couplets.  He is related to doyen of Rajasthani Literature Padm Shree Lt. Vijaydan Detha, who was nominated for The Nobel Award in Literature in 2011. Inspired by the quote, “The planet doesn’t need more successful people... it desperately needs more storytellers …” Kanawatis was naturally inclRead More...


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Shubha and Sau: (Colour Version)

Books by Prithvipal Singh Kanawat

Desuri was a sleepy village in rural Rajasthan where nothing much happened. This was the case until the arrival of Shubha and Sau, a sibling duo full of adventure and mischief. Shubha was clever and witty while Sau could only be defined by one characteristic—his endless hunger. Together, these two find themselves in various humourous situations, often as a result of their own doing, which leads to many eventful moments. Desuri, however, has its fair share of

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Shubha and Sau

Books by Prithvipal Singh Kanawat

Desuri was a sleepy village in rural Rajasthan where nothing much happened. This was the case until the arrival of Shubha and Sau, a sibling duo full of adventure and mischief. Shubha was clever and witty while Sau could only be defined by one characteristic—his endless hunger. Together, these two find themselves in various humourous situations, often as a result of their own doing, which leads to many eventful moments. Desuri, however, has its fair share of

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