R. Subramanian

Mr R. SUBRAMANIAN was born in Tamil Nadu on 4th December 1949. In school days his keen interest in learning correct English made him meet his English Teacher and Professors of English frequently. The first grammar point taught by his English Teacher was that the two words ‘Suppose / If’ as also ‘Perhaps / May’ should not be combined. His 40 years’ experience in mingling with many copywriters of leading advertising agencies added fuel to the fire in him to write this wonderful book titled ‘LEARN ENGLISH WITHOUT SPELLING ERRORS AND GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES’,Read More...


Learn English Without Spelling Errors and Grammatical Mistakes

Books by R. Subramanian



India has two official languages, Hindi and English. English, however, is an associate official language. In India, English serves three purposes. First, it provides a linguistic tool for administrative communication between the Union and the State governments. It contributes to the cohesiveness of the country, where diverse Indians speak different languages.

Second, it serves as a linking language. Hindi is mainly spok

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