Rahul Bharti

The role of the author here, is of a medium through which entire existence has expressed its boundless elegance of the unknown- unattainable-infinite. That what has been said, is impossible to convey through words but can only be experienced through utter silence and deep understanding of the inner self expansion or through complete self surrender to that what is. So basically there was no person as author who was present when these celestial statements were being showered upon, instead in those selfless-nonexistent moments lived by the author, these words came into existence. The author has bRead More...


The Nothing of Everything

Books by Rahul Bharti “Raazom’’

Each verse of this poetic endeavor drenched in mystifying self intoxication, points toward spiritual enlightenment - awakening of the supreme self consciousness, effortlessly and spontaneously. Based on direct experiences of the poet in the absolute selfless state of being, whatever the entire existential flow poured into his hollow body-mind framework, was penned by him on some sheets of paper, which he later compi

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