Capt Walia

Starting out life as a child labourer to reaching the hallowed annals of the Indian Army, and today, as the CAO of an international corporate, this book is an honest account of a man unbounded, who broke the shackles of his circumstances to be the maker of his own destiny. Captain Walia hopes that his autobiography will serve as an inspiration to the youth and help them to envision a life less ordinary.Read More...


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Broken Crayons Can Still Colour

Books by Captain Rakesh Walia

An inspiring story of a remarkable man who never let life's challenges get the better of him. Captain Walia's book reminds us that human endeavour is limitless and shall always triumph over adversity.

Gul Panag

Actor and an Activist

Rakesh, it has been a great honour to read your life journey. You have so beautifully beaded words of emotion, humour and conviction to give the

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Capt Walia's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Capt Walia

Starting out life as a child labourer to reaching the hallowed annals of the Indian Army, and today, as the CAO of an international corporate, this book is an honest account of a man unbounded, who broke the shackles of his circumstances to be the maker of his own destiny. Captain Walia hopes that his autobiography will serve as an inspiration to the youth and help them to envision a life less ordinary.Read More...


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Broken Crayons Can Still Colour

Books by Captain Rakesh Walia

An inspiring story of a remarkable man who never let life's challenges get the better of him. Captain Walia's book reminds us that human endeavour is limitless and shall always triumph over adversity.

Gul Panag

Actor and an Activist

Rakesh, it has been a great honour to read your life journey. You have so beautifully beaded words of emotion, humour and conviction to give the

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