Rakhi Kapoor

Rakhi is a renowned physiotherapist, antenatal counsellor ,entrepreneur, author, speaker and globe-trotter.
Rakhi is a renowned physiotherapist, antenatal counsellor ,entrepreneur, author, speaker and globe-trotter.

Rakhi Kapoor has been awarded the most awaited Golden Book Awards 2023 for her book Now You Breathe – Overcoming Toxic Relationships and Abuse in the category Powerful Relationship Guide. Rakhi was awarded the author of the year at the National Achievers Award in December 2022 at the constitution Club of India. She has also won the prestigious Writeinfluence award Season 3 and Author of the year nonfiction in the Ukiyoto Literary Awards 2023. Wearing various hats as an Indian woman Rakhi Kapoor takes the game to a whole new level. A Bengali by birth, she is a renowned physiotherapist, entrepRead More...


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Now You Breathe

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Important relationships in personal and professional spaces should be nurturing and loving. Who is policing verbal abuse and mental torture against a spouse, a child, a sibling or a co- worker in the workspace within four walls creating a toxic environment? This kind of toxic behaviour is shoved under the carpet in the name of marital problems, discipline, strict parenting methods, sibling rivalry or office politics. It is not a serious crime that can be repor

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The Horse Shoe Man

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

This book captures in its pages the story of a first-generation entrepreneur’s struggles and victories. Vijay Kapoor, founder of the brand Derby Men’s wear, started his journey in the year 1994. Derby Men’s wear is a men’s apparel brand, popular in south India, with over sixty-eight stores, headquartered out of Chennai, India.

Vijay Kapoor started his journey with two tailoring machines, a two-hundred square feet size store, a ca

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Breaking Free Embracing Me

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

One can’t get far ahead in life by shoving any form of childhood abuse beneath the carpet, be it physical, verbal, emotional, mental, or sexual. Children, teenagers, or young adults who are used as scapegoats to vent out anger and frustration by a parent gravitate towards becoming dysfunctional adults with low self-esteem. Adults with unresolved trauma due to abuse from toxic relationships in their childhood carry forward fears, insecurities, anger, abnormal

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Now You Breathe

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Important relationships in personal and professional spaces should be nurturing and loving. Who is policing verbal abuse and mental torture against a spouse, a child, a sibling or a co- worker in the workspace within four walls creating a toxic environment? This kind of toxic behaviour is shoved under the carpet in the name of marital problems, discipline, strict parenting methods, sibling rivalry or office politics. It is not a serious crime that can be repor

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Infertility, Impatience and Intuition

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

The infertility treatment sector is growing and is undoubtedly an expensive affair. It does not guarantee immediate results and multiple attempts may be required. Medical intervention to conceive through various infertility treatments does not guarantee conception unless it is also backed up by a healthy lifestyle and reduced stress levels.

Most young couples are postponing starting a family later in their life. While they strive to strike a balance bet

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Mums, Mental Health and Milestones

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

How does the health of the mother reflect on the child? Can the baby learn from the mother in the womb?

Every time a pregnant woman or a new mom reaches out expressing her stress levels and challenges, society, family and friends mostly blame the hormones for her response. Why does it have to be stereotyped?

This third book on pregnancy by the author is a holistic guide educating expecting mothers and their families about the signif

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Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Want to write a book but have no clue how to structure your thoughts and convert it into a book? Clueless or confused about the whole process of writing a book? Already writing a book but unable to complete it due to various reasons? Completed writing your manuscript but have no clue how to go about publishing it? Have a book and are confused about how to promote it? 

Writing a book involves sleepless nights, endless excitement, and innumerable challen

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F Stands For Success

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Most people find it hard to accept that they failed to achieve something. It leaves them disheartened and broken. They fall in their own eyes, and then, they give up on their dreams. 

Author Rakhi Kapoor secretly nurtured a dream of writing books from her childhood but never saw it coming true. She eventually gave up on her dream. Rakhi then found her doorway to the path leading her to become an author. In the year 2014, she embarked on a trek in the H

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Clothes Don’t Maketh The Man

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

“Clothes Don’t Maketh The Man”. You must be wondering if you read this line right. A famous proverb says otherwise. If a man turned up wearing distress denim for a board meeting or wore a formal suit for a casual coffee or date, he would be judged for being inappropriately dressed.

What if there was an explanation as to why he was not suitably dressed for the occasion? Isn’t a man constantly judged and labeled according to what

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Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Who is a Rebel? 

A rebel is an individual who does not conform to norms. Women have been fighting for equality and seeking justice in various aspects like equal wages, reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternal leave, sexual harassment, domestic violence, the right to education, etc. Not all rebellions spillover on the streets. Every woman who acts according to her free will for the greater good in her daily routine is a rebel, leading her own re

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The Dovic Story

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

In the beginning, mankind was like any other life-form, naïve and frail. The creators of the Universe, Ra and Ri had gifted mankind unique and special abilities. If used appropriately, over time, he could evolve to become the most powerful and advanced life-form on Earth. The Creators would then hail themselves over the masterpiece they had created. Ra and Ri also believed that there was always the possibility that man could become arrogant and selfish. 

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Love Yourself

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

“Self-love is love for oneself. It enables an individual to feel complete and happy by themselves. The source of this treasure lies within a person.”

This pandemic caused by the coronavirus has shaken up the mental health of most people. Everyone’s life is filled with challenges and obstacles. Everything seems to be spiralling out of control. We all have to bear our own cross, walk our own path and not let circumstances break us. What we can contr

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Deliver with Delight

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Today’s fast-paced life with nuclear families has women multitasking and juggling several roles. Pregnancy demands that an expecting woman lead a healthy lifestyle in the best interest of her baby. Handling the normal routine of the day, along with the changes brought about by the pregnancy, can become physically demanding. Fatigue, lack of sleep and anxiety about childbirth can lead to irritability and mood swings. Taking care of a newborn, coupled with

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Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Every entrepreneur strives to convert an idea into a profitable business venture. They take risks and face many challenges in life, hoping to find success. 

This book is inspired by the life of Vijay Kapoor, a first-generation entrepreneur and founder of the brand Derby Men’s Wear, an apparel brand, headquartered out of Chennai, India. He is popularly known by the title The Horseshoe Man, which is a short biography of his life. The b

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Espresso Thoughts

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Life is a carefully spun web of events connecting the past, present and the future. If we start living our lives with this realization, then life will not be a random series of sunsets and sunrises. Every day will become exciting like each sip of our favorite beverage. It is only when we get stuck in a painful memory of the past or refuse to be grateful for the present that we see darkness in our future. 

A cup of coffee awakens an individual to ki

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Live In Peace While They R.I.P

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Sooner or later, all of us have to lose a loved one. Each one of us has this one larger-than-life- person in our life. This person is special and vital to our life source. It could be a parent, a lover, a spouse, a friend, a mentor, a family member or a pet. After the demise of this iconic person, we are shattered. Immense grief takes over. The pain makes it near impossible to move ahead in life. Everybody deals with the aftermath of losing a loved one some ti

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The Horse Shoe Man

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

This book captures in its pages the story of a first-generation entrepreneur’s struggles and victories. Vijay Kapoor, founder of the brand Derby Men’s wear, started his journey in the year 1994. Derby Men’s wear is a men’s apparel brand, popular in south India, with over sixty-eight stores, headquartered out of Chennai, India.

Vijay Kapoor started his journey with two tailoring machines, a two-hundred square feet size store, a ca

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Did I ask you for your opinion?

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

How many ridiculous things have you heard in your life in the name of an opinion? Random people walking up to you to give unsolicited advice. You get opinions from strangers and people who don’t really know you. Many a time, it’s a comment made in the passing. 

How many times has it pained you when a relative, friend or acquaintance judged you? 

How many times have you fumbled with words, trying to explain yourself when you needed a shoulde

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Flourish Infinitely

Books by Rakhi Kapoor


Who on earth has an easy life? Who has not experienced heartache? Each one of us has dreams and ambitions. Nobody has ever achieved their goals in the first attempt!

A human being is the total of all the choices he makes in the given circumstances. A journey from rags to riches is challenging but inspiring too. No one is born an achiever; legends are a miracle in the making through time. No success stories are created at the snap of a finger.

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Axe the ex

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

You are going through a breakup. Has the person who was once the love of your life become an ex now?

Whether it is a man or woman, heartbreaks are painful. Friends fall apart, siblings stop speaking to each other, lovers grow apart and call it quits. Whether you lose a lover, a friend or a sibling to life, it is equally painful. Regardless of the length of the relationship, how the breakup happened, whether you were rejected or you chose to walk away, e

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Married? Happily!?

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

In this age of the smart revolution, where most things are available at our fingertips, we are struggling to maintain relationships. Marriage is one of the most fundamental and essential relationships between humans but is being looked upon as a great task. Surprisingly, people are able to master gadgets but are failing at handling human emotions.

Marriage is the foundation for a beautiful and loving family. A family is the fundamental unit of society.

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Why Ram?

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

Why Ram? What does it take to be married to Ram, an incarnate of the preserver of life, pure and powerful? Why does a woman choose exile for fourteen years with a smile over a life of luxury? What goes through the mind of a queen who gets kidnapped and kept hostage by another powerful and dynamic king who desires her? How does the same woman feel when she is abandoned in the wilderness when she is in her family way? If you thought Sita was helplessly dragged f

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Cleopatra had many lives

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

A witty, intelligent enticing individual is incarnated as an adorable and mesmerising Persian Cat. Cleopatra understands human communications and feels deep emotions. Cleopatra narrates her various experiences in the households that she visits as a pet. Each time a cat falls from a height, it can land safely on its paws.

This book celebrates the enduring spirit of an ordinary person making an extraordinary choice. This book is dedicated to every indivi

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Expecting Daddy Delivers

Books by Rakhi Kapoor

“How has it been so far?” 

Confession of an expecting dad who would helplessly watch his partner throw up and rush to get a bucket or a plastic bag to her bedside, saving her the trip to the toilet.

“Don’t ask? I have been also bending over a plastic bag filled with vomit and dealing with these terrible mood swings. Somebody please make her understand that it’s not easy for me either, I’m also going through the pregnancy with her.  

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