Ram K Narayan

The author is a member of the Institutes of Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries of Inda. He worked with multi-nationals and Indian Business Houses at very senior positions. During his career he has successfully handled unique challenging assignments.  This is the fourth Book of the author. Others being ”Management of risks under the Companies Act, 2013; Corporate Governance in India-Challenges; The Reservoir of Central Acts of Parliament for all”.     Read More...


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Handbook to Company Directors

Books by Ram K Narayan

The book contains key definitions of the Companies Act; Rules framed thereunder and SEBI LODR, 2015. The book specifies punishments - including the criminal for defaulting Directors.

The book covers the duties, responsibilities, obligations of directors, provisions related to qualifications, disqualifications, vacation of office, appointment and reappointment, remuneration etc, extensively.

The book covers the significant role Independent Directo

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Business - Ethics, Failures, Scams, Frauds, Punishments

Books by Ram K Narayan

The Book elaborates the over-dominance of negative human traits, morals and values leading to deep-rooted corruption, scams, frauds and ultimately loss of thousands of crores of public funds. No amount of stricter legislative regulations have resulted in dissuading the fraudsters from indulging in criminal acts directed at self-enrichment at the cost of others. 

The book is divided into thirteen Chapters covering aspects of human traits; corruption; fr

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The Reservoir of Central Acts of Parliament for All - Vol II

Books by Ram K Narayan

The book is the first of its kind. It consolidates under 18 different subjects in two volumes the objective of Central Acts passed by the Central Government. It covers the objective of each Act, the rights, duties, obligations, and punishments for non-compliance. 

The book is directed at non-legal persons i.e., ordinary citizens of the country who have not studied or practice law as a subject. The book can also be of immense value as a reference tool t

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The Reservoir of Central Acts of Parliament for All - Vol I

Books by Ram K Narayan

The book is the first of its kind. It consolidates under 18 different subjects in two volumes the objective of Central Acts passed by the Central Government. It covers the objective of each Act, the rights, duties, obligations, and punishments for non-compliance. 

The book is directed at non-legal persons i.e., ordinary citizens of the country who have not studied or practice law as a subject. The book can also be of immense value as a reference tool t

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Corporate Governance in India - Challenges

Books by Ram K Narayan

Foreword note for the book is by Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti, Chartered Accountant - the only Indian to receive the Global Competent Board’s Certification declaring him as ESG ready. He is also a winner of several corporate governance awards including the best Independent Director. He is a fellow of IOD.  

Unique feature of the book lies in the elaboration of the role of IDs and committees of board; templates for mandatory codes, policies, and reports

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Books by Ram K Narayan

The Hon. Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs introduced on 6th March 2020 in the Lok Sabha, the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 {Bill No.88 of 2020}. In the statement of Objects and Reasons for introducing the Bill, she stated, inter alia that as part of the constant endeavor of the Government to facilitate greater ease of living to law abiding corporates certain provisions of the Act are proposed to be decriminalized to provide further ease of living fo

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