Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami

A graduate of the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Ramanan Duraiswami studied in Springdales School, New Delhi, where he first ventured into writing poetry. A Specialist in Pathology, he retired from the Army Medical Corps in 2013, settled in Secunderabad, and after a stint as Director of Laboratory Services at Fernandez Hospital, he joined Mallareddy Institute of Medical Sciences in 2016. He rediscovered his talent for poetry, encouraged by his wife of 39 years, Shyamla, and his batchmates of the 1973 batch of AFMC. In 2019 he published his first book of poetry, “Pensive Ponderings”, wRead More...


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The Covid Chronicles

Books by Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami

“The COVID Chronicles” is the second book of poetry by Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami. It is a collection of poems that reflects different aspects of the enormous human tragedy unleashed by the marauding COVID 19 virus, and also raises hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The book also contains the lyrics of two songs about COVID 19 which the author has set to the tune of popular English songs. The book is dedicated to those who lost their liv

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Books by Ramanan Duraiswami

Pensive Ponderings is a collection of quatrains, sonnets and limericks by Colonel Ramanan Duraiswami, a veteran of the Indian Army Medical Corps. They reflect his anguish at the state of the nation (‘Republic Day’, ‘The Cry of the Girl Child’), his military experience (‘The Surgical Strike’), his love for the beauty and unity of India (‘Makar Sankranti’) and his love for everyday objects (‘Ode to a Cup of Coffee’). His felicity wit

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By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 280 | Likes: 0

Disconnected in a connected World, Into a mindless morass you were hurled. Dazed, disoriented by drinks and drugs, Surrounded by treacherous knaves and thugs. Each day a thousand deaths you died, Each day, a mother cried.   Your face lit up by a radiant smile, You had it all, success and style!  Read More...

Published on Jul 8,2020 03:00 PM

Namaste COVID

By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 248 | Likes: 0

Whither the tender, kindly touch, That always used to mean so much? Gentle as the falling petals Showed me you were in fine fettle.   I miss the blessings of your hand, That told me you always understand. During tough times I felt bolder, With your arm around my shoulder.   When I was  Read More...

Published on Jun 19,2020 07:18 PM

Sonia's Sorrow

By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 426 | Likes: 2

I woke up dazed To a World crazed Hopes razed Everyone fazed.  A virus spread; Thousands dead Fear and dread In everyone’s head. No food to eat No place to meet Homeless on the street Survival a feat.   Pay begrudged! Had to budge; A long trudge For migrant drudge. A life ill fate  Read More...

Published on Jun 14,2020 05:26 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 776 | Likes: 1

Walking on the Roof Top in the Rain   Sparrows pirouette in the sky, On the updrafts, flying high. Gusty winds like a dervish dance Causing leaves to spin and prance. A spray of raindrops on our face, Cools us as we hasten pace. Cumulus scudding beneath stratus, Thunder claps resound ahead   Read More...

Published on Jun 10,2020 11:00 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 249 | Likes: 0

Another day meanders to an end, The sun towards the horizon wends; Lazily traversing down, Hovering over city and town.   Masses of myriad straggly clouds, Charcoal grey, black, cottony shrouds Linger briefly in the sky, Bidding daylight a final goodbye.   Majestic, as the Sun God Ra, W  Read More...

Published on Jun 4,2020 09:26 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 680 | Likes: 0

Thousands of miles away from home, They seek their El Dorado. Alien, distant streets they roam. No familiar place to go.   They live in wretched shantytowns, A blue sheet over their heads. No protection when the rain pours down, Mother Earth their only beds.   Silently they toil all d  Read More...

Published on May 14,2020 07:49 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 417 | Likes: 0

THE LONG AND LONELY PATH For four long weeks India locked down, Every city, every village, every town. The eerie silence all around, Was louder than any raucous sound. Impounded each within their houses, Even the calmest turned into grouses. The drudgery of household chores, Became a never ending bo  Read More...

Published on Apr 21,2020 03:26 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 1,376 | Likes: 4

Standing on my balcony last night,I saw a really wonderful sight! A dog had taken up abodeRight in the middle of the road. Between the gates of two colonies,He'd ensconced himself with consummate ease. Secure in the thought that traffic was less,He bedded down without stress. He was the King of that  Read More...

Published on Apr 17,2020 01:52 PM

Lockdown 1 - 21 Days

By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 334 | Likes: 0

AFTER 21 DAYS OF LOCKDOWNAfter three weeks of quarantine,I think we're doing pretty fine!I help my wife with the household work,And never do I try to shirk!We eat enough of balanced food,And make sure that our health is good!My wife is singing songs on Smule,Which I think is really cool!I'm sharpeni  Read More...

Published on Apr 15,2020 04:11 PM

COVID 19 quarantine days

By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 471 | Likes: 1

COVID 19 QUARANTINE DAYS The sunset was an orange blush. All around was a quiet hush. No more a frenetic, maddening rush, Only the greenery, peacefully lush. India is fighting back. The birds were swooping in the sky, Clouds meandered by so high. You could hear the wires sigh, And watch a leaf flo  Read More...

Published on Mar 29,2020 03:44 PM


By Colonel Dr Ramanan Duraiswami in Poetry | Reads: 334 | Likes: 1

COVID 19 - THE NEW SCOURGE The world went about its reckless ways, Wreaking havoc nights and days. Smog and fumes covered the sun’s rays Mankind walked in a befuddled haze.   The Earth under mankind’s burden groaned, Mother Nature agonized and moaned! Humans plundered, drunk or ston  Read More...

Published on Mar 24,2020 09:41 PM

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